
This landing article changes based on Remodeled Brain’s latest news. Check back often for new updates.




The amazingness that you see before you is a work in progress. At this point we are copying and cleaning up the posts on the r/remodeledbrain subreddit, so it’s going to be a bit of a house in a tornado for a bit!


These are the three most recent articles provided by the Remodeled Brain staff. These update frequently, often times rotating out completely within the week. If you wish to see all our work, click the below link.

Idea Workspace

Dorsal Cognitive Testing

Something I've been baking in my head for awhile is how to do cognitive assessments which don't have the subjective...
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Mea Culpa

I am probably wrong about the dementia bomb.

The data to support the conceit just isn't there. There may be small shifts due to things like "diet", "microplastics"...
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Topic Dump

February Dump

Pons-to-cerebellum hypoconnectivity along the psychosis spectrum and associations with sensory prediction and hallucinations in schizophrenia - Eh, but at least we...
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A short description on what IDLE MUSINGS is.

PhysicalConsistencyOne of the weirdest parts of being on the internet today is the rush of advertising masquerading as “content” in the form of reviews, articles, backstories, etc that get generated whenever something needs to be uh… advertised. This used to be purely a political thing, we’d get bombarded decades ago with a bunch of different sounding opinion pieces and news clips that all somehow came to the position that we, the consumer of this advertainment was supposed to arrive at. But now, it’s just everywhere, all the time, and so indistinguishable from “organic” work that even the content producers themselves seem completely oblivious that they are being manipulated into producing this content on behalf of whoever. After you’ve gotten off my lawn and I’m done yelling at the sky, one of my kids was watching this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvkgmyfMPks which is sort of a man on the street review of the Apple ™(r)(this writer has no current relationship with Apple Inc.) Vision Pro headset, and I was struck by the end when the reviewer notes that after a period of adjustment, the headset itself is normalized away cognitively and this completely artificial experience becomes indistinguishable from “reality” (there’s an angry grammar teacher out there somewhere, let the hate flow through you). They go on to note that this technology is the MOST intrusive/obstructive it will ever be, and from this point out it will only get “better”. And wow, it immediately brought me back to the evil angel/brain in vat concept, the idea that the magic of the mind somehow has this magical ability to pierce the veil, that our innate desire for “gods” reality would allow us to see through the illusion. Fucking nope. Our processing is purely stimuli against prediction, and if you manipulate the stimuli long enough prediction will either match or the machine will break. Now this is normally where I get all freaked out about how often humans tend toward using things like this for the absolute worst purposes, but the obverse of this is that after a few dozen generations from this technology, it will be the closest thing to utopia we will likely be able to achieve. [...]

A short description on what MEA CULPA means. 

Mea Culpa

A short description on what THOUGHT SPACES are. 

PhysicalConsistencySomething I’ve been baking in my head for awhile is how to do cognitive assessments which don’t have the subjective tester biases, don’t rely on test security so they can be verified outside of their domain, and directly tests functional units vs. requiring some level of post processing. My brain has been tinkering with the idea of measuring colliculi response through saccade measurements to peripheral visual stimuli (using eye tracking camera(s)). We’d be looking for rate of change in saccade return and general smoothness/tracking rate in response to new stimuli. I just saw this: https://imgur.com/gallery/wocYPP1 and holy crap is that a wonderful idea. Maybe even throw in some diagonal lined objects for good measure. Getting a differential between full color tracking and this would tell us a lot about dorsal vs. ventral visual network performance (and general network balance). We should also be able to infer really interesting things about memory performance with this. I suspect this could provide an objective benchmark of “raw” memory performance before behavioral detractors/enhancers (e.g. trauma or memory palaces). Similarly, my brain is still churning around the idea of using brainstem auditory responses in much the same away, segregating the dorsal and ventral processing (music and lyrics) and tweaking the loads to get a sense of brainstem performance. Thinking about this more, I probably should buy one of those Apple VR headsets. I need to find out how much access they allow to the actual hardware, can we directly access the eye tracking cameras directly or are they behind an abstraction layer? The ultimate goal of this conceit is that you’d pop on the headset, it would flash some images and audio for a couple minutes (and hopefully not trigger epileptiform activity) and when mature enough, would have a somewhat detailed cognitive description of the individual. No batteries or anything, just five minutes. With this level of convenience, we could expand this type of assessment into standard practice and create histories which could pre-emptively find issues. Since it doesn’t appear that imaging is going to be something that will be available in this way any time soon, this might be the next best thing. Some really interesting catches for this would be things like detecting strokes or concussions/hemorrhages. Damnit, wish there wasn’t so much already on my plate, I already have food starting to rot. edit: Should note that despite the title of the image being for color blind accessibility, this would make a horrible color blindness mode. — Involvement of the superior colliculi in crossmodal correspondences Inhibitory tagging both speeds and strengthens saccade target selection in the superior colliculus during visual search Human subcortical pathways automatically detect collision trajectory without attention and awareness Distinct context- and content-dependent population codes in superior colliculus during sensation and action Population temporal structure supplements the rate code during sensorimotor transformations Response to change in the number of visual stimuli in zebrafish:A behavioural and molecular study Population coding of time-varying sounds in the non-lemniscal Inferior Colliculus Auditory Corticofugal Neurons Transmit Auditory and Non-auditory Information During Behavior The neural basis of somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold as a paradigm for time processing in the sub-second range: An updated review Subcortical coding of predictable and unsupervised sound-context associations Sensitivity of neural responses in the inferior colliculus to statistical features of sound textures Noise-Sensitive But More Precise Subcortical Representations Coexist with Robust Cortical Encoding of Natural Vocalizations [...]


Idea Workspace

Dorsal Cognitive Testing

Something I've been baking in my head for awhile is how to do cognitive assessments which don't have the subjective...
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Mea Culpa

I am probably wrong about the dementia bomb.

The data to support the conceit just isn't there. There may be small shifts due to things like "diet", "microplastics"...
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Topic Dump

February Dump

Pons-to-cerebellum hypoconnectivity along the psychosis spectrum and associations with sensory prediction and hallucinations in schizophrenia - Eh, but at least we...
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Nervous systems don’t differentiate between “action” and “thought”

It's almost certainly accurate to say that all "thought" has the same active "physical" component (salience) as expressed movement does....
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Idle Musing

Who will weep for Descartes?

One of the weirdest parts of being on the internet today is the rush of advertising masquerading as "content" in...
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Is immune response the primary driver of speciation across all dominions of biology?

Antigen response is universal to all domains, arguably even/including viruses. "Selection" as an inside out process rather than outside in....
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Moving Beyond Magic











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