Checking In

Hey anyone reading, just wanted to check in because I have quite a few open threads right now and wanted to give a general status update.

I’ve been super busy over the last week and likely to be so until hopefully as soon as early December which means I have a lot less time to dedicate to filling out some of the open topics. If anyone has questions about a particular direction, concerns, or challenges to anything that I have up so far I will absolutely get to them, however perhaps not as quickly as I have in the past.

I particularly appreciate any type of challenges to content I’ve published here which have a non observational basis. Destroying my arguments will earn big respect points from me, and ultimately force a more complete understanding of the material I’m trying to explore. Kill me with evidence, please.

I think I’m starting to figure out how important narrative is for understanding a lot of this, so going forward I need to figure out a better way to incorporate narrative into these posts. My first attempt to do this will be with the PSSD thread, I think the stories that people are experiencing is going to be helpful for people in establishing the context necessary to understand the potential harm of some of these drugs. This is a work in progress, I’m obviously more of “list evidence, assert from evidence” type of person so it will be a bit of an adjustment for me.

With regard to research priorities, I’m still working my way around creating a template that will allow individuals to more easily quantify their own state information via EEG and fNIRS. This is a component of the “ADHD”/temporal fixing headset I proposed in one of the threads. Outside of this, I’ve been introduced to some work with ultrasound that I’m really excited about, and will share more details once things once my current project gets shipped.

I do have to issue a bit of an apology in general. The initial intent of this subreddit was to try to re-construct a lot of questions about function from the ground up without any deference or regard to pre-existing thought. It was an attempt to start over from scratch using only what we know now to guide it. I got away from that and got dragged into issues around current though and practices. The intention here is to pave the way for discussions about the future, not debate the follies of the past. I apologize for letting myself get distracted by the low hanging fruit instead of focusing on how to improve our understandings in the future.

Thanks, and I hope that you find what’s here useful and challenging!

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