Feasibility evaluation of transtympanic laser stimulation of the cochlea from the outer ear
Uh… I think I’m going to start wearing headphones all the time now. Kidding, but it does make me wonder what kind of range something like this would have if we used fNIRS levels of power. I wonder how “close” enough it would need to be before the phrase “your ears are burning” took on an additional meaning.
Yep. This paper illustrates something that has been established pretty solidly over the last year, that behavior is a stimuli reaction. It’s yet another nail in the top down construct, but also lends more weight to the salience/valence state model.
Discrete-to-analog signal conversion in human pluripotent stem cells
I’m skeptical bypassing the usual catalytic chains to produce these effects will positive effects in vivo, but this is really interesting work.
Boundary extension is constrained by naturalistic image properties
Not much interesting, but I thought this was interesting because it pointed out something kind of obvious – focus effects are an optical illusion.
This is confirmatory work, albeit of a different part of the elephant for this study. As a rule, whenever we see calcium mentioned anywhere, we should be thinking “astrocytes”.
This is the first time I’ve ever seen these frequencies referred to as “Sigma”. While the space is getting a bit crowded and overlappy, I appreciate that we are starting to finally pick out system specific carrier waves instead of the arbitrary band selections we’ve been working with for a long time.
A Transparent Ultrasound Array for Real-time Optical, Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging
Can I say ultrasound is bae? While I decide how I feel about that, it’s really cool to see the methodology start to diversify, that’s a really positive step toward clinical maturity. Very intrigued by the possibilities of this.
How do complex network effects start from a single point?
Semantic relation priming is not constituent-specific: Evidence from ERP
The study of semantic construction is an ongoing sore spot for me, far too many studies just reek of confirmation biased outcomes. Contradictory evidence like this helps make an argument for taking another look at what we think we are doing when we are studying this.