Interesting Pre-Prints for the week of 11/29/2021

A null hypothesis for the current model is no evidence of balanced homeostatic systems in the brain. This means all cortical, limbic, basal, etc circuits must have an equivalent partner in the brainstem and cerebellum. My prior assumption was that was that place and direction equivalents were functions of the cerebellar DCN’s. This study suggests they are located in the brainstem itself.

This also mentions manipulation of the olives (which I believe are the “primary cognition units”, or the place from which all salience is initiated) as an upstream controller of this function, which is consistent with the model.

Social preference in rats not impacted by posterior parietal activity despite overall changes in familiarity-based social behavior

Ventral/Dorsal, module specificity.

Population-level asymmetry of the cerebral cortex: reproducibility, lifespan changes, heritability, and individual differences

Ventral/Dorsal, it’s heritable. Personality is heritable.

Doppler Slicing for Ultrasound Super-Resolution Without Contrast Agents

This has the potential to completely obviate CT altogether with a higher optical and temporal resolution option that happens to be far less expensive as well.

Differential replay for reward and punishment paths predicts approach and avoidance

Salience/Valence. Salience is generated in the brainstem, the valence module it’s routed to determines actual behavior.

Stimulus-induced narrow-band gamma oscillations in humans can be recorded using open-hardware low-cost EEG amplifier

Gamma is a pain in the ass across the board, but we are getting much much better at capturing it. Lowering the cost of capture to commodity level hardware is a huge step in the right direction.

Human visual gamma for color stimuli: When LGN drive is equalized, red is not special

We find that red stimuli has lots of varying effects in various “psychiatric” or neurological “disorders”. Once we fix the dorsal/ventral balance, those effects dissipate. Red backgrounds have different effects on electrophysiological responses to fearful faces in groups with low and high autistic tendency, magnocellular activation differences.

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