Interesting Journal Articles for the week of 11/29/2021

Age-related changes of color visual acuity in normal eyes

This is less interesting than funny, and kind of a forehead slapper. Color perception changes with age. For all the philosophical wankery that goes on over the experience of color, realizing that none of the colors we “experience” are ever actually the same is kind of hilarious.

Learning positive social information reduces racial bias as indexed by N400 response

Salience is bayesian not boolean. Salience gets routed to positive and negative valence centers at the same time, and valence centers score them independently. Modifying the salience output has an effect on the valence scoring we see in ERPs.

Eye movement characteristics in male patients with deficit and non-deficit schizophrenia and their relationships with psychiatric symptoms and cognitive function

What’s the phrase, love the sinner, hate the sin? Hate the language used here, but the data itself is interesting. Dorsal/Ventral stream imbalance shows up pretty consistently across many “psychiatric” investigations.

Brain rhythms define distinct interaction networks with differential dependence on anatomy

Yep. I’ve been calling them “carrier waves”, and as modeling resolution increases I think we’ll find that they don’t behave all that differently from radio stations.

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