“Autism” refresh dump

Contemplating syndromic autism – Insulting half step in the right direction. Questioning of the “spectrum”/”heterogeneous syndrome” concept is a good first step toward clear phenotypical definitions. Unfortunately it will probably be awhile before we get our collective heads out of our asses regarding the whole “behavior as a disease” stupidity.

Math abilities in autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis – This paper is bad for a lot of reasons, but I’m including it for the lulz of it implying “autists” are under-represented in STEM fields.

Examining a model of anxiety in autistic adults – This paper reeks of having been written by an “autistic” person. This is the way. Even though I have quibbles with some of the discussion, the contextual framework this paper laid out is excellent and should be studied. Of particular note, they don’t devolve into implying “autism” is defect, and instead focus on difference.

Are all parental experiences equal?: Cluster analysis of salivary cortisol and perception of parental stress in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder – Yeah, my personal observation is that “Asperger’s” phenotypes have a really rough experience with parenting usually, and their Aspie kids end up on posting on r/raisedbynarcissists unaware of their own narcissism.

Brain Structural Covariance Network in Asperger Syndrome Differs From Those in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Healthy Controls – bUt aSpErGErS doESNt eXIsT aNyMOrE! Wow, it’s harder to type like that than I expected. “ASD” was a huge step backwards for neuroscience.

Facial mimicry and metacognitive judgments in emotion recognition are distinctly modulated by social anxiety and autistic traits – Yeah, bandwidth issues. It’s weird reading these studies and looking at all the second hand data. I don’t think I’ve seen a single one where the team did or verified “autism” assessments first hand yet.

Different levels of visuospatial abilities linked to differential brain correlates underlying visual mental segmentation processes in autism – “Compared with both AUTnp and TYP participants, the AUTp group showed enhanced task-related functional connectivity within posterior visuoperceptual regions and decreased functional connectivity between frontal and occipital-temporal regions. A diminished modulation in frontal and parietal regions in response to increased PC was also found in AUTp participants, suggesting heavier reliance on low-level processing of global figures.” No need to get personal guys.

The Autism Rating Scale for Schizophrenia – Revised English Version: An Instrument to Characterize Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders Phenotype – Some phenotypes of “autism” and “schizophrenia” and almost all “bipolar II” are the same class of conditions, with the differentiator being “high” or “low” activation of particular pathways. This work includes the scale, would be interesting to see how people self assess with it.

Okay, I got to around 200 papers but just cant do this anymore. This subject is fucking toxic.

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