
Hey there, and welcome…

Our Beginnings

The amazingness that you see before you is a work in progress. At this point we are copying and cleaning up the posts on the r/remodeledbrain subreddit, so it’s going to be a bit of a house in a tornado for a bit.

So what is all of this? Remodeled Brain was born out of my frustration trying to understand the genetic/”neurological” aspects of a psychiatric diagnoses and becoming frustrated by how shockingly inconsistent and improperly asserted much of the “general knowledge” is. It’s the frustration of a million experts who confidently assert small things but admit they don’t understand the big things.

This blog attempts to, as much as possible, understand the mechanics of information processing inherent to “life”, from the single cell to the cluster of human populations by conceptually rebuilding these processes from the smallest quanta up, rather than top down.

It asserts that all of our knowledge is probably an incorrect understanding of the “universe”, but that we can get around this by enforcing a cross-domain consistency requirement for all topics, e.g. “neuroscience” concepts must decompose to and be describable by “chemistry” or “physics” in some fashion. This extends to human behavioral study as well, they must also have constructs decompose-able into unrelated domains.

Our Vision

Ultimately, the goal is to focus on a consistent language for all knowledge, and we rely on the inviolable constants that we generate through physics. From these inviolable constants we can build chemistry, from this chemistry we can build biology, and from this biology we can build the behavior of “life”.

The goal is to encourage a much more skeptical approach to science in general, particularly those with a “human” bent. At this stage, most of the posts are focused on demonstrating how often hypothesis based science harms any chance of generating external consistency or cross domain consilience.

Much of the content right now was mostly top of the head/stream of thought posting and a lot of it has information which is definitely not consistent with current evidence (especially the earlier stuff). There’s a quite a few of these posts which were intended to be more in depth but just weren’t completed, and some that only really make sense in the context of the discussions on the subreddit. It will take awhile to continue cleaning everything up.

In the mean time, we encourage all discussion of ideas as long as it comes in good faith. For now, the subreddit is a good place to ask questions, and eventually when this gets cleaned up hopefully it will be a good forum and resource as well.

Our Staff



Morbi rhoncus mi id lorem fermentum elementum. Ut sit amet fringilla nisl, nec luctus metus. Vivamus eleifend tempor sagittis. Duis nibh felis, viverra eget diam at, ornare tincidunt neque. Proin congue suscipit eleifend.


Morbi rhoncus mi id lorem fermentum elementum. Ut sit amet fringilla nisl, nec luctus metus. Vivamus eleifend tempor sagittis. Duis nibh felis, viverra eget diam at, ornare tincidunt neque. Proin congue suscipit eleifend.


Moving Beyond Magic










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