I dump, therefore I am.

Uncertainty aversion predicts the neural expansion of semantic representations – Pretty sure that if were able to look at this on the circuit level, it would reveal dorsal vs. ventral patterning for uncertainty aversion, but not as a matter of “uncertainty”, but as an artifact of how these two global phenotypes construct and process information. The big question for me is whether or not this is purely “biological”, or if and to what degree the phenotypes can be modified.

Glia Signaling and Brain Microenvironment in Migraine – The more I look at migraines (and neuropathic pain in general), the more consistent glial “oversignaling” looks consistent. Is “non-neuronal epilepsy” a thing?

Cytosolic DNA sensors and glial responses to endogenous DNA – Really interested in the physical mechanics “life” processes right now, particularly the intercellular RNA transfer/encoding process. This article suggests that cancers/tumors are caused by glial loss of sensitivity to “self”, and dementia/degradtions are a loss of sensitivity to “external”.

Astrocytes: integrators of arousal state and sensory context – And this is how the above presents at the organism level.

Ethanol-induced cerebellar transcriptomic changes in a postnatal model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Focus on disease onset – Including this as an example of ultra-shitty-science. We take a condition defined in humans by subjective observation, a subjective definition which has inter-rater accuracy way less than chance for two raters, and we bend and contort to make it fit an animal model. It is literally impossible to diagnose FASDs without clinical history. That’s insane.

Programmable protein delivery with a bacterial contractile injection system – Now this is interesting…

Rethinking model-based and model-free influences on mental effort and striatal prediction errors – Shots fired!

Astrocytic chloride is brain state dependent and modulates inhibitory neurotransmission in mice – All according to keiku.

An umbrella review of randomized control trials on the effects of physical exercise on cognition – Slightly off my current focus, but this is something I’ve discussed before, both in the context of how shitty psych science is and in the context homeostatic balance with regard to outcomes.

Microglia and astrocytes underlie neuroinflammation and synaptic susceptibility in autism spectrum disorder – So I won’t go into a rant about how stupid and bad “autism” is again (hah, I’m so subtle), however this is consistent with the big/little astrocyte conceit which I’ve been using as part of my “autism” model.

Anxiety, depression, and memory loss in Chagas disease: a puzzle far beyond neuroinflammation to be unpicked and solved – Other organisms can affect our behavior? You mean it’s not just driven by magic electric zippy zaps?? shocked pikachu

Astrocytes mediate cell non-autonomous correction of aberrant firing in human FXS neurons – Also illustrating the big/little astrocyte effect in “autism”, fragile X is a syndromic “little” benchmark to test against.

Molecular and cellular evolution of the amygdala across species analyzed by single-nucleus transcriptome profiling – The longitudinal development of dorsal vs. ventral (in the context of this, roughly “excitory” vs. “inhibitory”) systems across ethological lines is really fascinating. I had in the past assumed that dorsal aspects were “older” because they are tied more closely to external stimuli input systems, but it seems the opposite is true.

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