Interesting pre-prints for the week of 12/20/2021

Prefrontal cortical contributions to working memory loading, maintenance and recall are parsed by hippocampal-prefrontal oscillatory assembly dynamicsData is getting pretty consistent around this. The cortexes are downstream workspaces for the hippocampal transform.Cellular development and evolution of the mammalian cerebellumBackground/ethological/systems data points.Striatal dopamine explains novelty-induced behavioral dynamics and individual variability in threat predictionReplace “Dopamine” with “Brainstem salience calculation”. Replace “Striatum/Amygdala/Habenula/Nucleus Accumbens/anything with an ‘external’ and ‘internal’ cytoarchitecture” with “valence calculation” and we are in the ballpark of accurate functional description.Neuronal primary cilia regulate pyramidal cell positioning to the deep and superficial sublayers in the hippocampal CA1Read as “Why are some people ventral vs dorsal dominant?”Spontaneous Neuronal Oscillations in the Human Insula are Hierarchically Organized Traveling WavesI was curious just how distinct ventral vs dorsal carrier waves are, do they carry discrete information on them or is the it same information processed independently? Yep, independent data. This makes sense when you think of this in the context of “psychosis”, as it is probably the mechanism that allows the binding of inconsistent scene data/hallucinations. I need to much through some “schizophrenia” EEG data to see if I can get a better sense of this.Enhanced learning and sensory salience in a cerebellar mouse autism modelHuh.

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