Interesting Pre-Prints for the Week of 12/27/2021

Complementary task representations in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex for generalising the structure of problems

Really interesting evidence regarding the mechanics of memory, specifically regarding cognitive adaptability.

Dendritic integration of sensory and reward information facilitates learning

Dorsal Stream/Ventral Stream, yadda yadda yadda.

Perceptual uncertainty alternates top-down and bottom-up fronto-temporal network signaling during response inhibition

I actually am really uncomfortable with the assumptions in this one, but I’m including it because I’ve a strong suspicion this will be contextually relevant to some things in the very near future.

Identification of potential astrocytes in the teleost brain

Astrocytes can’t be responsible for “memory” since they aren’t in teleosts (vertebrate progenitors)! Oh.

The mitochondrial calcium uniporter regulates mitochondrial mass and dendritic localization in distinct hippocampal circuits

Further, MCU-enriched mitochondria in CA2 distal dendrites are larger compared to mitochondria in CA2 proximal apical dendrites and neighboring CA1 apical dendrites. Genetic knockdown of MCU in CA2 resulted in smaller mitochondria in CA2 distal dendrites, indicating that MCU expression plays a role in regulating mitochondrial mass in CA2. MCU overexpression in neighboring CA1 led to larger mitochondria preferentially in proximal dendrites compared to distal dendrites and GFP controls.

Huh. Big Calcium/Little Calcium?

Excitatory effect of biphasic kHz field stimulation on CA1 pyramidal neurons in slices

Now this is curious. I’m interested in seeing this against cortical tissue, “healthy” and “dementia” under full EEG or maybe MRI.

Information encoded in volumes and areas of dendritic spines is nearly maximal across mammalian brains

Pretty cool to see this idea supported with data. This provides an interesting pseudo constant for reference when examining information storage in the brain. This also sets “memory” or “crystalized intelligence” as an artifact of spine morphology. Any bets on whether someone will come up with the idea of ablating away “trauma” by modifying spines in the amygdala or habenula complexes within the next 12 months?

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