Interesting Pre-prints for the week of 1/10/2022

Signalling centre vortices coordinate collective behaviour in social amoebae

Phwoosh Mind blown. My brain kept trying to make amoeba into anemone because it’s hard to imagine collective social behavior emanating from organisms like this. This of course is consistent with the overall model, that the mechanics of more complex organisms are complications of cellular level mechanics but it’s just amazing to see it in practice.

edit: Yes, I’m still thinking of onomatopoeias for the mind blown sound. Yeah, I’m weird.

It also re-inforces the entropic nature of behavior/information storage inherent to life, this modulation of chaos/order allows some absolutely fantastic permutations.

Sustained upregulation of widespread hippocampal-neocortical coupling following memory encoding

Boo hiss, fMRI. That out of the way, the results are consistent with the CA1 “memory index”/”stapler” concept which is why I’m including it. I really need to knuckle down and work on that memory thread, we have consilient levels of evidence supporting not only the hippocampal transform (the dorsal/ventral allocentric/egocentric construct), but valence/salience based general structure as well. I need to figure out a way to give high fives to all the scientists out there who are pushing the pile forward on this.

The dorsal hippocampus’ role in context-based timing in rodents

My problems with lesion studies withstanding, this is a pretty interesting study in the context of a few endophenotypes of “autism”. I think the study missed an opportunity get a better understanding of how salience/valence pairing generates behavior. My take on the results are that the dorsal stream optimizes for “response” and the ventral stream optimizes for “reward”.

The hippocampus as a sorter and reverberatory integrator of sensory inputs

What is it about the CA2 that creates such a huge blind spot?

How salience enhances inhibitory control: An analysis of electro-cortical mechanisms

The brainstem sees all (and directs it all).

Low and high frequency intracranial neural signals match in the human associative cortex

I’m finding it hard to understand why this type of coherence check hadn’t been done regularly over the 100 or so years we’ve been using EEG.

Comparable human spatial memory distortions in physical, desktop virtual and immersive virtual environments

Hahaha. Our brains can only perceive the world in 2D, and our 3D interpretations are almost exactly as artificial as 3D on screens. We use a vertical and a horizontal 2D map, then use the differences in position measured against experience to generate distance. It’s always seemed bizarre to me that 3D was so convincing on 2D displays, it’s such an obvious yet completely engrossing illusion. We now have an actual reason why we can say “Screens are bad”, because they reduce use of context mapping.

This brings up an interesting data collection opportunity, is the ability to estimate distance in any way associated with level of screen time? Is there a generational difference in distance estimation? There are certain flavors of “autism” which have huge issues with determining boundaries, is this an artifact of the lesion breaking this ventral and dorsal overlay?

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