Treatment idea – A chair with a speaker optimized for between .5 – 5Hz signals.

Going through some research on vibration/resonance therapies and the effect sizes on them are kind of eye popping (ahoooooga). I’m wondering what the bill of materials on a chair designed for daily use that also provided this type of stimulation. Imagine your office chair helping instead of hurting you in prolonged use.

It seems like there’s just so many nervous system pathologies which could have their effects greatly reduced or avoided altogether with this type of therapy. Hell, this might even be a pseudo-cure for MS.

Is this crazy talk?

Edit: Hahaha, Jet Seats!

Hrm, this looks interesting:

Edit 2: Thinking about this a bit more, a chair is probably not going to work for a few reasons. Especially not an office chair. That’ll teach me to wax poetic about shit. Something that would fit under a bed frame (or built into a bed frame) is going to be a lot easier to get extended periods of treatment with little/no impact on routine. Using the same platform, something mounted horizontally to a wall or ceiling might be an interesting way to provide really cost effective treatments to large numbers of people.

Heh, damnit now I’m getting ideas. It should be possible to replicate out a ton of ideas with a pressure chamber/bed with the speaker installed in the base.

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