Remodeled Brain Developmental Timeline

Editing as I go as usual

Birth ~ 6 months – Full brainstem control, all other structures are in a pre-functional state. Brainstem still in development.

3 months ~ Hypothalamus comes online, begin brainstem training period.

3 months ~ 6 months – Cerebellum starts initial training period, motor control increases as training advances

6 months ~ 10 months – Cerebral initial training period begins

~10 – 12 months (“First Speech/Steps”)- Brainstem full up, hypothalamic early development shifts to training

~ 2 – 3 years (“First memory”) – Hippocampal complex comes online (incl amygdala complex). Other limbic structures in full training, brain begins “copying” brainstem functions to hypothalamic control regions.

Puberty – Brainstem development locks, begins transferring more functions to primarily hypothalamic control.

~20-25 years (“Adult”) – Hypothalamic development locks

Notes: Low frequency waves on EEG indicate brainstem control. Big conceptual changes revolve around the concept that brain regions undergo a multi-step developmental process, an initial “onlining”, a training period, then full up. The brainstem is always the primary unit of control, as brainstem influence weakens “plasticity” begins to decline. Brainstem contains the construct of “self”, this is later transferred to hypothalamus (particularly mammillary bodies?).

Cerebellar data = egocentric constructs, Cerebral data = allocentric constructs. All “disorders of self” originate in the brainstem (resulting in phenotypical downstream patterns like weakened hippocampal CA1 activation). Primary goal is to tie developmental stages to internal physiological components which can be normalized across all populations.

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