Dump of Astrocytes and Anxiety/Depression (aka DAAD is a funny acronym).

Combining S100B and Cytokines as Neuro-Inflammatory Biomarkers for Diagnosing Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Proof-of-Concept Study Based on Machine Learning – Hadn’t considered using interleukins specifically like this, hrm…

Alteration of the neuronal and glial cell profiles in Neu1-deficient zebrafish – Hahah, “autistic” zebra fish.

The role of astrocytes in behaviors related to emotion and motivation

IL-18BP Alleviates Anxiety-Like Behavior Induced by Traumatic Stress via Inhibition of the IL-18R-NLRP3 Signaling Pathway in a Mouse Model of Hemorrhagic Shock and Resuscitation – More interleukins, but I included this because I was shocked by how fucking ghoulish this is. Who the fuck designs a study like this?

Hippocampal astrocytes modulate anxiety-like behavior – Do they really, or is the region an important part of the processing chain?

Astrocytic SIRT6 is a potential anti-depression and anti-anxiety target – Pretty sure I have a sirtuin dump on here somewhere.

Emerging role of microglia and astrocyte in the affective-motivational response induced by a rat model of persistent orofacial pain – In this experiment, we tried to make our test subjects happy and content. Just kidding, the field is a fucking nightmare.

Anxiety, depression, and memory loss in Chagas disease: a puzzle far beyond neuroinflammation to be unpicked and solved* – Chagas is another really interesting example of how external organisms can manipulate host behavior.

Loss of neuron network coherence induced by virus-infected astrocytes: a model study – Read as “Brain fog/Anxiety/Depression may be a result of disrupted astrocytes”. Or something, I dunno.

Unravelling the Role of Habenula Subnuclei on Avoidance Response: Focus on Activation and Neuroinflammation – The word habenula is so fun to say.

The emerging science of Glioception: Contribution of glia in sensing, transduction, circuit integration of interoception – The idea of some classes of astrocytes as “sensory transducers” is exactly on point. According to the model, glia enable interoception period by allowing modification of sensory information into behavioral responses. From the study – “Glial cells can sense and transduce signals including osmotic, chemical, and mechanical status of extracellular milieu.” YES. It’s such a fundamental question to philosophical masturbation about “consciousness” laid bare – how do “senses” become “experiences”. Stage 2, transduction.

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