Are synesthesia (full set of senses) and aphantasia dichotomous representations of the downselect process? Is there a stream bias toward one or the other?

Is this the core mechanic of “intuition”?

Maybe rhinal cortexes?

Interesting observation – synesthetic posts and communication seem a lot “simpler” (is that fair to say?), while aphantastic posts are verbose.

Is this a hippocampal stapling/integration mechanic or an upstream association mechanic? Reading these descriptions is screaming context binding to me.

Whoa, self realization time – I’ve had a good idea that the ventral side of my hippocampal transform is way understrength (or outright borked), but this might be the nature of my ability to synthesize in ways others don’t seem to be able to. The ventral stream provides a base construct that gets added to in building up consciousness, while the dorsal stream is stripping down the stream into base units. My brain is almost certainly stripping and sending to the brain stem, but the return route (ARAS->Hypothalamus(Mammillary Bodes->CA2) isn’t rebinding on the ventral side.

My predisposition to seeing the world as objects and relationships instead of fully fleshed constructs seems like an artifact of this. Wow.

Cannot bind to self, can only bind to external objects. On the other side – cannot bind to external, only self.

Hahah, I was born to be a “liberal”. Lol, and I need novelty in order to bind salience which would normally come from that ventral side, a mechanic which makes motivation for non-novel things difficult. Oh wow. Developing this further, circuits that use dopamine for signalling are part of the brainstem’s core salience network, the specific types representing an in going and outgoing channel. This pegs D2 receptors as ventral salience stream. Indirect agonists of the D2 network (amphetamines) strengthen this channel and allow better signal matching with the dorsal stream, meaning less errors being kicked out, which normally presents as anxiety or other effects.

Dorsal/Ventral stream balancing seems like a really strong target for… a lot. Thinking a bit more, this is essentially what nearly all TMS is doing, they are juicing the dorsal stream (which is sub to the ventral stream in most people) to balance out a stronger ventral stream. I need to test some stuff.

Oh god… so like most types of depression is the brain (via habenular input) desperately trying suppress the dorsal stream because integrating results in a ton of prediction errors (shitty life circumstances). The treatment response to this is to chemically or through training “re-energize” the dorsal stream aggravating the condition by inducing more external stress/trauma. That’s so messed up, turning off the brains ability to protect itself because society is too shitty to bear. Christ that’s cruel.

Would balancing the streams also alleviate many types of migraines?

Edit: Okay this has run way out of context of the OP, sorry about that.

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