General Anatomy Dump

The emergence of the calvarial hematopoietic niche in health and disease – Wondering if efficacy of stimulation is modified by these structures?

Organization of the ventricular zone of the cerebellum – Yep.

Dopamine – Does this belong here? I don’t know. Dopamine is the signal chemical for salience circuitry. Do we have five discrete signaling channels, or two with a partially discovered third? Two primary channels with three modifying channels? Or is there a significant aspect we’re still missing? Disappointingly, not a single mention of glia in this work at all.

Entorhinal-hippocampal interactions lead to globally coherent representations of space – One of my big outstanding questions is how do brains chain together sensory information with behavioral information. I’ve always assumed that there had to be a function akin to a computer science pointer in play, but the amount of information astrocytes seem to be able to store continues to be surprising.

Not so spontaneous: Multi-dimensional representations of behaviors and context in sensory areas – “Spontaneous” activity is probably just ventral stream processing.

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