Remodeling the senses

The traditional model of senses usually splits them up between five to seven distinct units, sometimes segregated by receptor, sometimes segregated by perception.

Thinking about how to generalize these out in a consistent way, I think it might be more accurate to think about them in terms of Mechanical Waves, e.g. touch and sound, chemical sensing, e.g smell and taste, and electromagnetic waves, all which are reducable to matter waves.

I think this helps dramatically update our understanding about senses, and rescues them from discrete islands without an easy way to cross reference the mechanics between them, to a single unified core property with emergent properties due to the complexification of interactions between the waves.

Asserting that our sensory systems are specific to particular types of interactions of matter waves seems like a really coherent way to describe them across ethological lines.

Why is this important? It allows us to build “taste” out of e=mc2

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