Gestalt Language Processing = Dorsal dominant language processing.

Also called “Visual/Spatial” learners. Dorsal dominant learning is a requirement for hyperlexia. Dorsal dominant individuals usually have more acute sensory response, and are also “empathic”, in that they are able to read and predict external thought not by making an internal reference, but by focusing on transmitted behavioral information more acutely.

Dorsal dominant thought is highly associative and broad, rooted more in metaphor than sequential construction of thought. Dorsal dominant individuals have the massively messy desk, but “know exactly where everything is”.

Dorsal dominant individuals “feel” before they “emote”.

Edit: Found this article article and damn, I feel called out.

By the way, it’s my opinion that dyslexia and hyperlexia are exactly the same process with either differences in regional biases or global processing performance. Or perhaps it’s the auditory/brainstem mechanics that make the difference.

Well, except for the trial and error part. I find it pretty frustrating, but I usually find that frustration is tied to enough compelling novel information to sustain through it. I see the behavior all the time in my oldest though.

I assume that this trait probably drives a lot of my frustration with medicine/neuroscience/etc, the methodologies don’t lead to greater global understanding, they only lead to isolated sequential ones. My recommended reading of books like Consilience is a pretty on brand for this phenotype. My brain wants to understand everything instead of something.

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