Low-Carbohydrate and High-Protein Diet Suppresses Working Memory Function in Healthy Mice

Low-Carbohydrate and High-Protein Diet Suppresses Working Memory Function in Healthy Mice

HEH. DCX expression disorders usually result in “Smooth Brain” conditions. Wonder if there’s an association between dementia and keto style diets.

It seems like the MoA for a lot of “meathead” diets is suppression of dorsal function.

This work is interesting because it illustrates the gap between what most people think of metabolism (e.g. lactate/glucose shuttle, IGF expression, etc) and full scope metabolism, which includes components both upstream and downstream of this.

Also, this study is speaking my language, fully.

Will be really interesting to see if this replicates and extends.

Edit: As an example of the broader view of metabolism we should be carrying: Dysregulated cholesterol metabolism, aberrant excitability and altered cell cycle of astrocytes in fragile X syndrome

For those in the know, dorsal phenotypes will have unusually low cholesterol relative to their diet, while ventral phenotypes will have high cholesterol relative to their diet. Even though I don’t have the evidence to support this yet, I’ll go out on a limb and say that unusual cholesterol levels are phenotypical, rather than a diet based etiology.

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