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It’s been awhile since I’ve trolled biorxiv, kind of missed getting a “sneak peek at the future” so to speak

Astrocytic L-lactate signaling in the anterior cingulate cortex is essential for schema memory and neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis – Makes sense, and kind of cool work, can’t wait to see this in the journals. If an astrocyte is encoding a bunch of stuff to the neuron it needs to be able to support the production of those peptides/proteins.

Activation of basal forebrain astrocytes induces wakefulness without compensatory changes in sleep drive – Heh, if this replicates, it’s going to break so. many. assumptions.

Human neurons lacking amyloid precursor protein exhibit cholesterol-associated developmental and presynaptic deficits – This has been looked at in the context of “autism” in the past. Abnormally low cholesterol specifically was suggested as a potential biomarker.

Astrocytic connection to engram neurons Increased after learning – Lol, Hebbian or bust I guess.

Insights into the mechanism of oligodendrocyte protection and remyelination enhancement by the integrated stress response – Interesting, let’s see hope it translates.

Novel gut microbiota and microbiota-metabolites signatures in gliomas and its predictive/prognosis functions – WHY CAN’T I QUIT YOU

Acoustically Targeted Noninvasive Gene Therapy in Large Brain Regions – Wow, I’ve been skeptical of this due to ischemia concerns, but the potential of this is pretty cool.

A Role for Astrocytic Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Receptors in the Response to Ischemic Insult – I wonder if we could increase outcomes for ischemic insults by suppressing insulin?

Sirtuin 2 inhibition modulates chromatin landscapes genome-wide to induce senescence in ATRX-deficient malignant glioma – What an interesting concept as a whole, wonder if this type of conceit could be used to juice transcription metabolism as a whole? Or “fix” mito fold issues?

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