Just another dump in this cold information winter…

Genetic architecture of the white matter connectome of the human brain – “The Stack”

Genetically distinct parallel projection populations from ventral hippocampus to prefrontal cortex – How does the feedback loop (or “awareness of awareness”) work?

Cortical activity emerges in region-specific patterns during early brain development – “The Stack”

Somatodendritic orientation determines tDCS-induced neuromodulation of Purkinje cell activity in awake mice – To make tDCS work across a larger population, move the electrodes around (pre-mapped montages are garbage).

Selective loss of specific subsets of hair cell and spiral ganglion cell types in an outbred mouse model of age-related hearing loss – I’ve seen this conceit around, that hearing loss is an artifact of hair loss. Worth following. Any evidence oral hair loss treatments modify hearing?

Accumulation of Tau in Extracellular Vesicles Disturbs the Astrocytic Mitochondrial System – Yep. And on to dementia.

Aging-related changes in expression and function of glutamate transporters in rat spinal cord astrocytes – Seems consistent.

Astroglial exosome HepaCAM signaling and ApoE antagonization coordinates early postnatal cortical pyramidal neuronal axon growth and dendritic spine formation – We will be hearing a lot more about ApoE in the upcoming years, especially with regard to developmental/degenerative conditions.

Locus cœruleus noradrenergic neurons phase-lock to prefrontal and hippocampal infra-slow rhythms that synchronize to behavioral events – LC connects both valence streams, so CPG (including syncing) functionality is expected.

Pervasive environmental chemicals impair oligodendrocyte development – This reminds me of the Batman movie, where the Joker was poisoning people through combinations of commonly used products. Your MS outbreaks are tied to your shampoo! (This is a joke.) (Sorta.)

Emergence of High-Order Functional Hubs in the Human Brain – Stacks but dumber.

Distribution of ubiquilin 2 and TDP-43 aggregates throughout the CNS in UBQLN2 p.T487I-linked amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia – ALS, Huntingtons, Parkinsons, etc are all dementia. We will also be hearing a lot more about Ubiquilin in the future.

The many means of conversation between the brain and the gut – We are symbionts.

Amyloid-β accumulation in human astrocytes induces mitochondrial disruption and changed energy metabolism – Yep and on to dementia (again). Eventually we will get around to disrupted metabolism causes protein issues rather than the protein issues cause metabolic issues. Hopefully.

Chronic Gq activation of ventral hippocampal neurons and astrocytes differentially affects memory and behavior – Astrocytes and Neurons are not simply relaying the same messages. There’s distinct stimuli processesing occurring in every cell class.

The possible protective role of melatonin versus garlic on monosodium Glutamate-induced changes in rat cerebellar cortex: histological, immunohistochemical and electron microscope study – Wait, so is MSG bad again? Always funny to see stuff like this:

Group II received MSG (4 mg/ g/day). Group III received MSG+ melatonin (10 mg/kg bw/day). Group IV received MSG+garlic (300 mg/kg bw/day).

What’s next, giving pregnant mice 2 grams of MDMA twice a day to prove it makes the offspring slightly “stupider” at some tasks (and slightly “smarter” at others)? That would be the best study to be a mouse up until the point where they killed you.

Exposure to Low Levels of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Emitted from Cell-phones as a Promising Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Scoping Review Study – This is just too funny. Imagine if this were actually something that the evidence bore out (unlikely), it would mean the likely pre-dementia types attacking cell towers are destroying their own “cure”.

Graph embedding and Gaussian mixture variational autoencoder network for end-to-end analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data – Damnit, so close…

The influence of astrocytic leaflet motility on ionic signalling and homeostasis at active synapses – It’s a mountain at this point. Are we addicted to electric brains because they are a “useful” simplification?

Lymphocyte deficiency alters the transcriptomes of oligodendrocytes, but not astrocytes or microglia – Under the “metabolic brain” conceit (more like “metabolic life” but that’s clumsier somehow), I’ve been keeping an eye on a lot of cancer research. This I’m still chewing on and feels really significant, but I’m not sure what to do with it yet. Anything around this gets an extra tag for now, and I should just promote Oligo/Schwann to top level focus.

Sterile 20-like kinase 3 promotes tick-borne encephalitis virus assembly by interacting with NS2A and prM and enhancing the NS2A-NS4A association – Viruses and glial metabolic pathways, name a more iconic duo.

Ensheathing glia promote increased lifespan and healthy brain aging – It always surprises me how well preserved many cellular functions are. We imagine this huge difference between humans and all other life, but in reality our DNA is conserved with 60% banana of banana DNA. That being said, happy metabolism, happy nervous system.

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