Another tDCS dump

Astroglial Alterations in the Hippocampus of Rats Submitted to a Single Trans-Cranial Direct Current Stimulation Trial – Lol, I guess I haven’t posted anything about tDCS for awhile but it looks like there’s finally some scant support for my hypothesis about it’s effectiveness. Reading very slightly between the lines, this work implies that tDCS modifies methylation rates in astrocytes (and probably oligos but they weren’t looking for that). Eventually we’ll figure out a way to measure this stuff in the brainstem and then the real fun will start.

Time dependent effects of cerebellar tDCS on cerebello-cortical connectivity networks in young adults – Interesting Pre-print. Contextually, the model says that the cerebral and cerebellar cortex would show inverse “reactions” similar to what was observed.

Non-invasive brain stimulation for patient with autism: a systematic review and meta-analysis – Anything with “Autism” in it is going to be inherently dodgy, but it’s a good look at the range of results that tDCS may impart.

Transcranial direct current stimulation over left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates auditory-motor integration for vocal pitch regulation – Think “mutism”

Safety and therapeutic effects of personalized transcranial direct current stimulation based on electrical field simulation for prolonged disorders of consciousness: study protocol for a multi-center, double-blind, randomized controlled trial – I know this is only a proposal, but seriously, two weeks? Efficacy vs. effectiveness much?

Safety and Tolerability of tDCS across Different Ages, Sexes, Diagnoses, and Amperages: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Study – Somewhat similar to the proposal above. It baffles me that so much research is afraid of the arbitrary ass 2mA barrier.

Neurostimulation for childhood epilepsy – This is the dream, being able to deploy non-invasive stimulation to counter epileptiform activity.

Anodal tDCS over TPJ reduces bidding in Tullock contest: Implications for social decision-making – How does stuff like this not terrify people more? If this worked as the study implied, they are asserting direct influence over behavior via external mechanisms. The proximity thing is an issue for surreptitious control, but that such control may exist at all stabs at the core of the whole “free will” argument as a whole.

A Randomized Clinical Trial to Assess the Effect of Medication Therapy Plus tDCS on Problem-solving and Emotion Regulation of Patients with Bipolar Disorder Type I – P = 0.000. That’s new.

The impact of bilateral anodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the premotor and cerebellar cortices on physiological and performance parameters of gymnastic athletes: a randomized, cross-over, sham-controlled study – There’s a growing concern that NIBS techniques might equate to “doping”.

Multielectrode Network Stimulation (ME-NETS) demonstrated by concurrent tDCS and fMRI – Another interesting pre-print and they measured up to 4mA.

Improving causality perception judgments in schizophrenia spectrum disorder via transcranial direct current stimulation – Interpreted as “tDCS can boost dorsal network activity”, but the language of psychiatric stuff just makes me nuts.

The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on corticospinal excitability: A systematic review of nonsignificant findings – Now this is a pickle! If we can’t tell the difference between high effect and no effect studies which supposedly have the same setup we have a very serious blindspot.

Multiscale multiphysics model of brain interstitial water flux by transcranial direct current stimulation – Is really interesting and correlates well to the current/dose dependent effects of tDCS. This also correlates well to the astrocytic involvement of effect (specifically the AQP channels), and suggests that tDCS for hyperlipidemia conditions might be an interesting pathway.

Transcranial direct current stimulation as a treatment for major depressive disorder – TLDR; It works! But not exactly the same way for everyone! We could make it work, but that would take more effort than just staring at someone and guessing the pathology! The psychiatric assumption of homogeneity is pretty terrible.

Using a Pulse Protocol to Fix the Individual Dosage of Transcranial and Transspinal Direct Current Electrical Stimulation – Like this.

Comparing Cerebellar tDCS and Cerebellar tACS in Neurodegenerative Ataxias Using Wearable Sensors: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled, Triple-Crossover Trial – This is my observation of the difference between the two, tACS at higher current works, but tDCS works betterer at the same current.

The effects of high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation on pain modulation and stress-induced hyperalgesia – I should probably add a filter to remove DLPFC or PFC in general results.

Non-invasive cortical stimulation for drug-resistant pain – I’m curious if the percentage of review work to original work has changed in the last decade. It feels like the percentage of reviews has gone way up in the past decade.

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