Announcements, Announcements, Annoooouuncements.

Can’t find anything on youtube for that title, was a song we sang at summer camp that went something like “Announcements… what a horrible way to die, what a horrible way to die, what a horrible way to spend the day, announcements”. Or something like that. Yes, I bind information directly sensory stimuli, what of it?

Anyway, things are kind of in flux right now for me personally, have a lot of stuff I want to post but just don’t have a huge amount of time or bandwidth for right now. So this post is kind of a weak accountability/external memory dump (beep bop borp, we are cyborgs) so I can pick back up.

First, I am definitely, absolutely, positively (maybe) going to relaunch the remodeledbrain website just as a wordpress website or something similarly easy to maintain.

Once everyone gets re-acclimated with school, I am just as absolutely, positively, definitely (maybe) also going to start recording a podcast weekly summary type thing. This scares me about a billion times more than the website (actually feeling the physical resistance) because it’s so much more personal. I have this recurring nightmare (you’re right, I don’t sleep to dream) that people will start treating it like similar podcasts and instead of using it to encourage ideas and thought, use it for something to “prove” an idea. I think the benefit of such a thing, a podcast which focuses on exploring the cutting edges of our understanding through an extremely skeptical perspective, is pretty clear though and maybe this stone toss causes the ripple that facilitates the interaction which creates “helpful change”. I’ve been thinking about calling it “Yo momma’s house” or something equally non-sequitur, but I probably shouldn’t.


Upcoming long form discussions:

  • Need to finish that ADHD/OCD post. What an oof generally, but surprisingly optimistic regarding solutions.
  • “RNActive” – This is kind of challenging, but this argues that DNA is a passive determinant of organism construction/function, and it is RNA which drive the whole shebang. We never left RNA World.
  • “Evolution” is bullshit. Sort of.
  • Are viruses are self-replicating catalysts?
  • Psychiatry 2.0-NextGen-Advanced-SE – How do we free psychiatry from it’s dark origins define psychiatry in a way that accommodates all human behavioral function (“positive” and “negative”), and integrate consistent, physiologically based diagnostic criteria?
  • Are the Neo-Lemarckists right after all?
  • Reasoned Empowerment – A clinical approach to Anxiety/Depression focused around individual behavioral expression rather than “evidence based” treatments.
  • Can we replicate a nervous system/brain (and accumulated data) by duplicating RNA states?
  • What impact will our continued dissociation from external influences (e.g. anti-infection efforts) have on human development? Does it even matter?
  • Some general anatomy, particularly the Hypothalamus/Globes/Putamen/Dentate Gyrus circuits.
  • Can astrocytes form functional groups (nuclei) without neurons?
  • How do astrocytes enable “pre-awareness” of data from neuronal channels?
  • “Intelligence” is stupid and evil.
  • Can/How do cells directly address cells in within and outside of their functional groups?
  • Decay is an act of creation, creation is an act of decay (of entropy) (why live/die?).
  • What does the evidence say about David Sinclair and reversing aging? Is it possible?
  • The importance of physiological conditions and why making cells do things outside of the individual’s homeostatic boundaries is bad.
  • Anyone want to open up a karaoke bar with instruments? Like have a separate simplified tab style display for each instrument and some “AI” magic to synch timing? That would be rad.

So, that’s a lot for the upcoming month or so. Yes, I’m also super naive with time expectations.

Edit: Just realized that my own physiology probably answers the question about whether individuals who are congenitally “aphantastic” can also be “synesthetic”. I guess I missed this because it’s so often described in terms of emotional reaction to stimuli (ventral bias) instead of the more salient cross binding/low level binding of stimuli.

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