Pre-Prints this week – 10/30/2021

Chemogenetic activation of Locus Coeruleus Noradrenergic Neurons Modulates the Default Mode Network

My model has the LC as primary initiation point for the dorsal stream. Modulating activity of frontal areas by manipulating the LC is expected behavior.

Correcting the Hebbian Mistake: Toward a Fully Error-Driven Hippocampus

Hebbian learning in general has always bugged me for the same reason neuron centric models do, it’s always failed to provide consistent descriptions of behavior. My model sees hebbian effect as an ease of access rather than strength modifier.

A neural circuit basis for binasal input-enhanced chemosensory avoidance

The machine is the machine. Pretty cool look at how vertebrates use binocular senses (not just vision) and how deeply wired the behavioral output of these senses are.

Evolution of Natural Lifespan Variation and Molecular Strategies of Extended Lifespan

The allure of indefinite lifespans.

Vagus nerve stimulation accelerates motor learning through cholinergic modulation

The vagus nerve is a pretty critical pathway for relaying information from autonomic systems to the more reactive systems. Understanding how the homeostatic balance between these two systems work is pretty critical for understanding how brains work.

Long-Term Inactivation of Sodium Channels as a Mechanism of Adaptation in CA1 Pyramidal Neurons

Is there a link between salty food cravings and social isolation/loneliness?

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