All we are is just another dump on the wall (Just a link dump)

Aging and memory are altered by genetically manipulating lactate dehydrogenase in the neurons or glia of flies – Looks like the mechanics underlying glial encoding of information to neurons is pretty well preserved.

Editorial: Cell biology of brain development and evolution – I’ve been thinking about the developmental effect on infants of sleep in hyperoxygenated/hyperbaric conditions. Would the body be able to metabolically sustain to the increased growth spurred by high O2 environment? How likely would this be to start developing boss babies?

Robust differences in cortical cell type proportions across healthy human aging inferred through cross-dataset transcriptome analyses – Very cool pseudo-longitudinal work!

Introduction to the special issue on: A new view of hippocampal area CA2 – Another example of how pervasive the problem of subjective definitions being copied forward and the confusion it wreaks.

Astrocyte Endfeet in Brain Function and Pathology: Open Questions – Making a guest appearance as “diffuse white matter hyperintensities”, and “white matter atrophy/lesions”.

Joint, distributed and hierarchically organized encoding of linguistic features in the human auditory cortex – Woooo they shootin shots. Interesting bits: Language is computed real time instead of as discrete elements (sorry EEG mind reader bros), language is stored in “context trees”, brains try to “predict” what’s being spoken, and that dramatically effects what you “hear”. BTW, anytime we read “high gamma” in an EEG study, this always means “astrocyte activity”.

D1- and D2-type dopamine receptors are immunolocalized in pial and layer I astrocytes in the rat cerebral cortex – Under the model, dopamine is a salience channel marker. Establishing two discrete channels, connecting at level 1 and level 6 is exactly the type of dorsal/ventral connection the model expects, and probably a better answer to the difference between Alzheimer’s/FTD and Parkinsons/Huntington’s.

Astrocytes as Context for the Involvement of Myelin and Nodes of Ranvier in the Pathophysiology of Depression and Stress-Related Disorders – “Depression” and “anxiety” are “intentional gaps” in signalling.

Astrocytic contributions to Huntington’s disease pathophysiology – I’m way too immature to read “annals” without giggling.

Chapter Two – Identification of dysregulated canonical pathways associated with pathogenesis and progression of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis—An integrated bioinformatics approach – Poor Lou, everyone else got to keep their disease name but him.

Influence of Exosomes on Astrocytes in the Pre-Metastatic Niche of Lung Cancer Brain Metastases – What if we could find cancer before it became harmful? Does this eldritch technology exist?

IL-17A Facilitates Entry of Autoreactive T-Cells and Granulocytes into the CNS During EAE

Properties of REM sleep alterations with epilepsy – Quite a few interesting tidbits in here but super importantly something I’ve been trying to work out for awhile, how lagging electrochemical/EEG signals are to metabolic ones.

A Metabolic Intervention for Improving Human Cognitive Performance During Hypoxia

Ketone Bodies Impact on Hypoxic CO2 Retention Protocol During Exercise

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