Alzheimer’s/Parkinson’s/Similar Dump

Remade thread to combine Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and likely all dementias.

Astrocytes deficient in circadian clock gene Bmal1 show enhanced activation responses to amyloid-beta pathology without changing plaque burden

Calcium signaling in individual APP/PS1 mouse dentate gyrus astrocytes increases ex vivo with Aβ pathology and age without affecting astrocyte network activity

Aging, Cellular Senescence, and Alzheimer’s Disease (It’s MDPI, but the author has a pretty good body of prior work)

p-hydroxy benzaldehyde facilitates reprogramming of reactive astrocytes into neurons via endogenous transcriptional regulation (Not just Alzheimer’s, but a potential treatment for neurodegenerative conditions as a whole).

Restoring metabolism of myeloid cells reverses cognitive decline in ageing

Macrophage Meets the Circadian Clock: Implication of the Circadian Clock in the Role of Macrophages in Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection

Contribution of senescent and reactive astrocytes on central nervous system inflammaging

Reactive astrocytes acquire neuroprotective as well as deleterious signatures in response to Tau and Aß pathology (Haha, it didn’t occur to me until just now that “Amyloid Beta” with a scharfes s is “Ass”.)

The Locus Coeruleus in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Postmortem and Brain Imaging Review IDK this publisher will dig a bit later, but the references in the study were pretty fascinating. An interesting note – Locus Coeruleus (Dorsal stream root or close to it) shows degradation in Alzheimer’s while the Substantia Nigra itself (and presumably VTA) does not. “Alzheimer’s Disease” and “Parkinson’s Disease” are almost certainly the same condition, the difference in observed effect being a product of which brain stem structure undergoes degeneration.

The role of mitochondria in cellular senescence I didn’t realize mitochondria can order the destruction of the cell in poor metabolic conditions.

Multi-transcriptomic analysis points to early organelle dysfunction in human astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease – Throw it on the pile.

Astrocyte energy and neurotransmitter metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease: integration of the glutamate/GABA-glutamine cycle – Yeah, this is soooo much stronger right now than Ass/Tangle hypothesis.

Astrocytic and microglial cells as the modulators of neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease

Astrocyte energy and neurotransmitter metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease: Integration of the glutamate/GABA-glutamine cycle

All roads lead to heterogeneity: The complex involvement of astrocytes and microglia in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease – Every astrocyte is an interdependent signalling unit, it’s properties a product of it’s environment.

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