Are many “mental health” issues etiologically weak or disrupted valence?

The valence systems are much much much more sensitive to external training, are some people untrained to use their valence systems?

We can create model behavior, but what happens when stimuli exceeds the model, how do individuals react?

Are we experiencing an increasing failure to address out of bounds events during the developmental process due to increased expectation homogeneity?

Can we test (in a non-harmful way) degree of valence response to OOBE?

Is it safe to assume that “valence width” is analogous to “behavioral flexibility”? Is valence width limited by physiology? Something akin to building muscle mass? Is the morphology of functional units correlated to “valence width”?

Should we be pre-emptively training people on a societal level how to deal with trauma during the developmental process? Isn’t it insane we don’t already since everyone will experience some sort of massive OOBE in their lifetime?

Then again, does “hyper nuance” become “crippling levels of nuance”?

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