Author name: foompy_katt

Black Mirror Story Time – A poison just for you

Had a thought that with increased understanding of the metabolic interactions in biological systems, we likely will be able to generate compounds which disrupt the metabolic cascade in only a single person (or at least a really compact phenotype, maybe family?) and the odds of it being detected are almost non-existent because the effect group …

Black Mirror Story Time – A poison just for you Read More »

Chemical Behavior

Chemical modification of behavior isn’t exactly a novel idea. It’s currently the backbone of psychiatry, the idea that we can chemically induce desirable behaviors with an “anti-depressant” or “anti-psychotic”. And sometimes it even works! I was reading about a new class of weight loss drugs including Tirzepatide (which is getting fast tracked as a breakthrough …

Chemical Behavior Read More »

Any stimulation method which works in the brain should work anywhere in the nervous system

Since underlying all of these processes are the same changes expression rates of relevant peptides/proteins, we should be able to use the same stimulation techniques to modify non-brain areas. For example, a body builder should be able to use an ultrasound or tDCS style rig over a specific muscle group to enhance exercise performance and …

Any stimulation method which works in the brain should work anywhere in the nervous system Read More »

An Upper Palaeolithic Proto-writing System and Phenological Calendar This is pretty amazing for a few reasons IMO. This is a history altering revelation that likely would never have been achieved had it not come from outside the assumptions of the “scientists” who study archaeology/anthropology. (I have scientists in quotes here because both of these topics are built almost entirely on conjecture, with …

An Upper Palaeolithic Proto-writing System and Phenological Calendar Read More »

Book Club Episode #2 – The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human

Heard part of an interview with the author on NPR a few weeks ago (I think) and he seemed like a genuinely curious person, so I have pretty high hopes for this one.I only have a few more books in mind, so any suggestions are welcome going forward.AmazonWorldCatOverDriveLibgenShort Review: This is an amazing book, an …

Book Club Episode #2 – The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human Read More »

Acetaminophen/Paracetamol causal to “Developmental Disorders” ?!

Heard a radio ad a few hours ago looking for class action participants who took Tylenol during pregnancy and had a child later diagnosed with “autism”. Tylenol has long been associated with lots of different conditions, and I usually wrote this off because the use of both it and ibuprofen is so pervasive that actual …

Acetaminophen/Paracetamol causal to “Developmental Disorders” ?! Read More »

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