Author name: foompy_katt

The Mechanics of Human Information Storage and Retrieval

Collection – Local feedback inhibition tightly controls rapid formation of hippocampal place fields Records data as constant stream, feedback loop induces copies of segments along event boundaries. Rapid synaptic plasticity contributes to a learned conjunctive code of position and choice-related information in the hippocampus Hippocampus complex stores a binding engram, which contains a “table of …

The Mechanics of Human Information Storage and Retrieval Read More »

Interesting Pre-Prints for the week of 1/3/2022

Retrieval context determines whether event boundaries impair or enhance temporal order memory Yeah, episodic memory doesn’t actually exist. The only consistent way this works mechanically if it’s fully reconstructed from context on recall. Dissociating encoding of memory and salience by manipulating long-term synaptic potentiation The CA1 binds initial valence to the brain stem salience pulse. …

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Does the modality of stimulation matter much at all?

I’ve been experimenting quite a bit over the last year with CES (tDCS/tACS) to see if I can modify state.I’m encouraged and terrified by the results. For a top level tl;dr I’m pretty confident that I can evoke “depression” and “not depression” states in nearly any subject. It’s all just energy and that energy is …

Does the modality of stimulation matter much at all? Read More »

Is “psychosis” a “broken” or “insufficient” delusion mechanism?

Conscious awareness is a persistent delusion, in every aspect. We coordinate behavior by using this delusion to synchronize internal states across very different internal mechanics. Brain activity which does not either support or correctly construct the delusion will result in a generalized “sensory madness” or “hallucinations” respectively. Dementia is a decay of the delusion supporting …

Is “psychosis” a “broken” or “insufficient” delusion mechanism? Read More »

Are mitochondion the primary driver of biological calculation?

Mitochondia appear to be the sole enabler of biological complexity. Extracellular communication happens via regulation of energy. Just to be clear, the mitochondion themselves are not important here, it’s the ability to regulate energy which is the determinate factor of “life”. Mitochondion give more powerful active control, vs. the passive enzymatic control in bacteria. This …

Are mitochondion the primary driver of biological calculation? Read More »

Interesting Pre-Prints for the Week of 12/27/2021

Complementary task representations in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex for generalising the structure of problems Really interesting evidence regarding the mechanics of memory, specifically regarding cognitive adaptability. Dendritic integration of sensory and reward information facilitates learning Dorsal Stream/Ventral Stream, yadda yadda yadda. Perceptual uncertainty alternates top-down and bottom-up fronto-temporal network signaling during response inhibition I actually …

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Interesting Journal Articles for the Week of 12/27/2021

Observational learning promotes hippocampal remote awake replay toward future reward locations Heh. This year has felt like non-stop confirmation bias, it’s genuinely getting spooky. One of my more controversial assertions this year (IMO) is that non-“autistic” people do not have the ability to learn most types of information without a social (CA2) bind. Specifically, unless …

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Interesting pre-prints for the week of 12/20/2021

Prefrontal cortical contributions to working memory loading, maintenance and recall are parsed by hippocampal-prefrontal oscillatory assembly dynamicsData is getting pretty consistent around this. The cortexes are downstream workspaces for the hippocampal transform.Cellular development and evolution of the mammalian cerebellumBackground/ethological/systems data points.Striatal dopamine explains novelty-induced behavioral dynamics and individual variability in threat predictionReplace “Dopamine” with “Brainstem …

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Interesting journal articles for the week of 12/20/2021

Asexuality vs. sexual interest/arousal disorder: Examining group differences in initial attention to sexual stimuli This isn’t interesting in the sense that it provides valuable data, it’s interesting in the sense that it affirms how fucking horrible behavior based psychiatry is and how it impairs actual understanding of brain function. defined by their lack of sexual …

Interesting journal articles for the week of 12/20/2021 Read More »

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