Author name: foompy_katt

Biomarker Boogie

S100b:S100B Expression Plays a Crucial Role in Cytotoxicity, Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Nitric Oxide Synthase Activation Induced by Amyloid β-Protein in an Astrocytoma Cell Line GFAP:Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid glial fibrillary acidic protein levels in adults with Down syndrome: a longitudinal cohort study

All information system cells (“nervous system”) belong to the same class of cells.

Same progenitors – Transdifferentiable – Interdependencies – tl;dr neurons, glia, etc are the same class of cells from the same precursor cells, and can be checkpointed into each other (mostly). I’m going to put time into writing a formal screed/book based around this conceit. I’ve been reluctant to do so in the past because this …

All information system cells (“nervous system”) belong to the same class of cells. Read More »

Are cholesterol levels relative to diet a direct biomarker of cognitive performance?

Crap, should have said “ability” not performance. Wow, this is tough to research, as anti-cholesterol medications are pretty heavily prescribed. My experience is that pharma companies tend to flood the research pool with ambiguous work to protect/promote their cash cows. Yeah, I’m interested in the relationship between LDL and HDL with regard to cognitive ability, …

Are cholesterol levels relative to diet a direct biomarker of cognitive performance? Read More »

Neurons are probably better thought of as “blood vessels for information”, and function in largely the same manner as circulatory systems do, pumped by the brainstem.

I really love this conceit! Rather than the “nervous system”, which is based on the assumed functions of neurons, calling it the “information system” is not only a lot more descriptive, but accurate as well. It’s kind of fun attaching function to various structures as well, like calling the hippocampus the “lungs” of the information …

Neurons are probably better thought of as “blood vessels for information”, and function in largely the same manner as circulatory systems do, pumped by the brainstem. Read More »

Are some types of migraine (and like) effects the result of a “hypo-seizure” style effect?

Rather than an out of control metabolic cascade in the case of epileptic activity, this would be represented by a suppression of metabolic activity in a particular region like an “anti-seizure”. Most analgesics are anti-inflammatories which serve to open up the nerve pipes and reduce subjective pain. If we think about common occurrences of headache …

Are some types of migraine (and like) effects the result of a “hypo-seizure” style effect? Read More »

Dropping the kids off at the pool

Calcium signaling in astrocytes and gliotransmitter release – The sooner electric brain goes away, the sooner we move forward. If only they had measurable zaps, we’d put some respect on their name. Are cytoskeleton changes observed in astrocytes functionally linked to aging? – It’s an interesting question, is this the functional equivalent to the Sinclair-esque …

Dropping the kids off at the pool Read More »

Are many “mental health” issues etiologically weak or disrupted valence?

The valence systems are much much much more sensitive to external training, are some people untrained to use their valence systems? We can create model behavior, but what happens when stimuli exceeds the model, how do individuals react? Are we experiencing an increasing failure to address out of bounds events during the developmental process due …

Are many “mental health” issues etiologically weak or disrupted valence? Read More »

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