Autism, Echoalalia, Speech Delay and Balance

(Ugh, way too many things I need to update now)

Echolalia occurs due to lack of hemispherical dominance in autistic brains. Individuals are aware of both the dorsal and ventral interpretation of the sound and bounce them back in an attempt to reconcile/integrate the “sound” (phonological) and “context” (lexical/semantic) of words/phrases. Autistic brains are able to perceive the sound of speech independently of it’s context.

Ventral and dorsal pathways for language

Ventral and dorsal streams in the evolution of speech and language

Motor system evolution and the emergence of high cognitive functions Ventral and dorsal pathways of speech perception: An intracerebral ERP study

Language Processing as Cue Integration: Grounding the Psychology of Language in Perception and Neurophysiology

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