Autism Model Dump

Astrocytes derived from ASD individuals alter behavior and destabilize neuronal activity through aberrant Ca2+ signaling (“Disease”. Jesus Christ.)

Autism NPCs from both idiopathic and CNV 16p11.2 deletion patients exhibit dysregulation of proliferation and mitogenic responses Okay, this gives us a specific gene to follow for system wide effects. If we see system wide effects, then we have some interesting discussion. If we only see “autism” or psych effects then it’s probably garbage.

Atypically high influence of subcortical activity on primary sensory regions in autism – The discussion is absolute shit but the data is consistent with brainstem centric findings WRT “autism”.

Alteration of the neuronal and glial cell profiles in Neu1-deficient zebrafish – Grain of salt, but yet another autism interaction.

Retained Primitive Reflexes and Potential for Intervention in Autistic Spectrum Disorders – Man these guys are right in front of it. If they could just stop with the “autism” shit its right there.

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