Brainstem Mini Dump

Distinct neural mechanisms construct classical versus extraclassical inhibitory surrounds in an inhibitory nucleus in the midbrain attention network – Behavior is initiated long before we are “aware” of it, even tasks which supposedly require extensive post processing like visual cues.

Human tau-overexpressing mice recapitulate brainstem involvement and neuropsychiatric features of early Alzheimer’s disease – Dementias are almost certainly poorly categorized, the “memory” aspect being waaaaay overemphasized and verby stuff being way underemphasized.

Induction of flight via midbrain projections to the cuneiform nucleus – Even well trodden tropes like “fight, flight, freeze” initiate long before the downstream valence modifications kick in.

Hierarchical differences in the encoding of sound and choice in the subcortical auditory system – Similarly to visual cues, actual decisions based on “audio” information is calculated in the brainstem long before it reaches the auditory cortex. The conceit of the visual and audio cortexes initiating behavior are almost certainly wrong (in a bad way too).

Anatomical and functional study of the cuneiform nucleus: A critical site to organize innate defensive behaviors – More “fight/flight/freeze”.

Stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus enables training and boosts recovery after spinal cord injury – And it appears to do so by causing major re-writes in the somatosensory cortex. Kind of cool.

Midbrain cholinergic neurons signal negative feedback to promote behavioral flexibility – Guh, I really hate the “positive/negative” language, it’s way too loaded. But “inverted valence channels” doesn’t exactly rip off the tongue.

Upper brainstem cholinergic neurons project to ascending and descending circuits – This is a must because the valence signals must be integrated for processing by the salience circuits (which don’t “understand” valence at all, they just get a new goal to compute against).

Dystonia-like behaviors and impaired sensory–motor integration following neurotoxic lesion of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus in mice – The PPN is a valence integration circuit, breaking it breaks target behavior calculations.

Why is the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve situated inside the brain? – The theory presented IMO isn’t that solid, but this nucleus is WEIRD. Why is this the only place more developed mammals have first order neurons? Why is it so well preserved?

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