CA2 Dump

Delta-Opioid Receptors Mediate Unique Plasticity onto Parvalbumin-Expressing Interneurons in Area CA2 of the Hippocampus – CA2 modifies the “trisynaptic pathway” in real time, locks information flow direction. Lack of locking results in tripping balls.

Crucial role for CA2 inputs in the sequential organization of CA1 time cells supporting memory – Perception of time is managed by the CA2 region as part of it’s error checking process.

A direct lateral entorhinal cortex to hippocampal CA2 circuit conveys social information required for social memory – Social context is handled differently by the dorsal and ventral streams, CA2 works to both strip and add context to the stream.

Hippocampal CA2 Organizes CA1 Slow and Fast γ Oscillations during Novel Social and Object Interaction – Perhaps the most well known interaction of the CA2 is it’s necessity for “social memory”. Specifically what the CA2 does is manage “novelty”, or prediction-goal mismatch.

CA2: A Highly Connected Intrahippocampal Relay – CA2 manages “novelty”, degradation of which is common in dementia.

CA2 neuronal activity controls hippocampal low gamma and ripple oscillations – Engram consolidation to the SVZ/SGZ requires CA2 input.

A circuit from hippocampal CA2 to lateral septum disinhibits social aggression – Modulating CA2 inputs may directly modify presented behavior.

CA2 inhibition reduces the precision of hippocampal assembly reactivation – CA2 globally modifies the hippocampal stream, also required for “episodic memory” formation.

Chronic Loss of CA2 Transmission Leads to Hippocampal Hyperexcitability – Without the CA2 you trip balls.

Interpersonal Family Dynamics Relate to Hippocampal CA Subfield Structure – Tribalism lives here.

Newborn mice form lasting CA2-dependent memories of their mothers – All aspects of cognition are learned/trained, including “Are you my mommy?”

The Hippocampal CA2 Ensemble Is Sensitive to Contextual Change – The CA2 is specifically sensitive to changes in the stream.

Coding of social novelty in the hippocampal CA2 region and its disruption and rescue in a 22q11.2 microdeletion mouse model – And social interactions are a constantly changing negotiation.

Hippocampal area CA2: an emerging modulatory gateway in the hippocampal circuit – The CA2 is probably the “Consciousness Gate”.

Primate hippocampus size and organization are predicted by sociality but not diet – It’s possible that traits like “gullibility” can be directly derived from CA2 volume.

Linking Social Cognition to Learning and Memory – All cognitive processes are learned, this training starts before we are even born.

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