

At the cellular level, agency exists. Up to billions of cells coordinate agency to create an organism (like humans). And up to billions of organisms coordinate to create a species. And billions species coordinate to make an ecosystem. The “magic” of life is it’s mechanics of cooperation. “Memory” is novelty transposed against the ordinary. Facts …

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Keyword Watchlist

These are the words I use in my current RSS filter, please recommend any I should add or remove! “Astrocytes” “Tanycytes” “Microglia” “Autism Brainstem” “Autism Brain Stem” “Autism Cerebellum” “Autism Hypothalamus” “Autism Hippocampus” “Dorsal Ventral Stream” “Hypothalamus” “Deep Cerebellar Nuclei” “Dentate Nucleus” “Emboliform Nucleus” “Globose Nucleus” “Fastigii Nucleus” “Pedunculopontine” “Locus coeruleus” “WNT wingless” “SHH hedgehog” …

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Autism Model Dump

Astrocytes derived from ASD individuals alter behavior and destabilize neuronal activity through aberrant Ca2+ signaling (“Disease”. Jesus Christ.) Autism NPCs from both idiopathic and CNV 16p11.2 deletion patients exhibit dysregulation of proliferation and mitogenic responses Okay, this gives us a specific gene to follow for system wide effects. If we see system wide effects, then …

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