
Insult Dump

Age-At-Injury Influences the Glial Response to Traumatic Brain Injury in the Cortex of Male Juvenile Rats GDNF to the rescue GDNF delivery effects on motor neurons and nerves, and muscle re-innervation after peripheral nerve injuries

Dump Dump

Unusual suspects: Glial cells in fertility regulation and their suspected role in polycystic ovary syndrome – This is autism model adjacent, but not sure where to put it yet. And holy shit, this seems obvious enough that I’m frustrated I didn’t make this link. Hippocampal Astrocytes in Migrating and Wintering Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla Connexin …

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Additive and Subtractive Learning

Feeling sort of confident about this but would appreciate feedback criticism – The dorsal stream evaluates stimuli response in a primarily subtractive manner, but builds information in an additive manner. That is, when “learning” it creates maps of information then generates the proper data by subtracting the difference between maps. The ventral stream evaluates stimuli …

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Astrocytes as the quanta of cognition

Why astrocytes? The low hanging fruit -most numerous cell type in the brain.-Forms a distinct network.-Field properties – local harmonics. Higher branches-Evidence shows them as required components for cognition.-Cognition as energy, in other words metabolism. Support–https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.20.465192v3–https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/glia.24178 Why not… Neurons?-Neurons require magic.-Field Properties – Anti-local.-Why are brain neurons “cognitive” but body neurons not?

Function Dump

Goodnight, astrocyte: waking up to astroglial mechanisms in sleep Control of complex behavior by astrocytes and microglia Ultrastructural view of astrocyte arborization, astrocyte-astrocyte and astrocyte-synapse contacts, intracellular vesicle-like structures, and mitochondrial networkWow. This is the first time I’ve ever seen any work like this and it’s seriously blowing my mind. This work gives a lot …

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Aging/Senescence Dump

Cellular Senescence: Causes, Consequences and Therapeutic Opportunities Cellular senescence, rejuvenation and potential immortality Revival of light signalling in the postmortem mouse and human retina Delay of endothelial cell senescence protects cerebral barrier against age-related dysfunction: role of senolytics and senomorphics

Pre-natal/Post-natal developemental dump

In utero exposure to maternal anti–aquaporin-4 antibodies alters brain vasculature and neural dynamics in male mouse offspring Dorsal–ventral patterning of the neural tube: A tale of three signals – Old but root article. Crossing into our “Autism” model, WNT vs SHH signaling as the mechanic for dorsal vs. ventral system mechanics. BuMPing Into Neurogenesis: How …

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Alzheimer’s/Parkinson’s/Similar Dump

Remade thread to combine Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and likely all dementias. Astrocytes deficient in circadian clock gene Bmal1 show enhanced activation responses to amyloid-beta pathology without changing plaque burden Calcium signaling in individual APP/PS1 mouse dentate gyrus astrocytes increases ex vivo with Aβ pathology and age without affecting astrocyte network activity Aging, Cellular Senescence, and Alzheimer’s …

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