
Place yer bets! Irresponsibly aggressive predictions cataloged here…

Prediction: Within the next 10 years, Chiari/Brain Stem/fourth ventricle CSF over/under pressure issues will be found causal to most “treatment resistant” mental health etiologies. Prediction: Personality/”Agency” related behavior will be an artifact of brain stem nuclei. Prediction: Within the next five years an organelle study will demonstrate “consciousness” or “agency” using glia exclusively. Prediction: There …

Place yer bets! Irresponsibly aggressive predictions cataloged here… Read More »


The quest for a “true” AGI is an expression of our collective attempts to control our species GI. AGI will never be complete while GI is a mystery to us. Our standard for measuring the completeness of AGI is how closely it mirrors our assumptions about GI. Most AGI is designed around assumptions we have …

A(GI) Read More »

Hypothalamus/ Mammillary Bodies Dump

Seeking motivation and reward: Roles of dopamine, hippocampus, and supramammillo-septal pathway Still using the concept of “reward”, but it brings up interesting questions about how brains bind valence scoring on top of brain stem salience signals. Also: The cognitive aspect of information-seeking behavior, including the perception of salience and uncertainty, involves, in part, the pathways …

Hypothalamus/ Mammillary Bodies Dump Read More »

Prediction/Expectation map similar to place/space maps?

One of the strangest artifacts of perception to me is how our brains are able to transform two dimensional input into a three dimensional “feeling” for space. The assumption I’ve had in the past is that brains use pairs of place and space maps to generate coordinates in 3D space like standard euclidean spatial representations. …

Prediction/Expectation map similar to place/space maps? Read More »

The next hurdle, moving past the neuron centric brain.

Just had the thought that we’ve traditionally thought about neurotransmitters as the signalling mechanism between neurons as part of the neuron centric view of brain function. How would brains look if we viewed these chemicals as control/relay agents which enabled local signalling between distinct glial populations? Does each transmitter allow system level signalling between disparate …

The next hurdle, moving past the neuron centric brain. Read More »

Remote and Selective Control of Astrocytes by Magnetomechanical Stimulation

Holy shit. Edit: Sorry, this is really exciting because it gives us the ability to study the brainstem and deep cerebellar nuclei in vivo, in naturalistic conditions. A few core assumptions I’m making with my current model is that all salience is generated in the brain stem, and that the cerebellum/deep cerebellar nuclei are inverse …

Remote and Selective Control of Astrocytes by Magnetomechanical Stimulation Read More »

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