
Why is the ability to learn/create new constructs so limited in most (human) brains?

This question may be unanswerable at this time because data for cerebellar and brain stem contributions is unavailable, but this has bugged me for quite some time.Why aren’t all brains autodidactic “polymath” by default? It seems pretty likely that there is a gating mechanism being enforced somewhere on our ability to learn that is invisible …

Why is the ability to learn/create new constructs so limited in most (human) brains? Read More »

Memory is an artifact of hippocampal processing, not the primary function.

In progress obvs.Memory as a whole is not a primary function of brains as a whole, but an efficiency adaptation which allows better prediction accuracy.The primary function of the hippocampus is to reconcile external/dorsal/stimuli based representations of the world with an internal/ventral/context based representation.Arguments so far: Short term memory loss via chemical/environmental factors or insultLong …

Memory is an artifact of hippocampal processing, not the primary function. Read More »

Properties and hemispheric differences of theta oscillations in the human hippocampus

URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hipo.23412DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/hipo.23412 Evidence of hemispherical preference for the dorsal and ventral streams. This sets the dorsal stream as tending toward the right hemisphere and ventral stream toward the left hemisphere. This is pretty consistent with a lot of age old ideas about brains, including the “left brain vs. right brain” construct. Another interesting emerging …

Properties and hemispheric differences of theta oscillations in the human hippocampus Read More »

Neurons detect cognitive boundaries to structure episodic memories in humans

URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-022-01020-w It’s currently requested on r/scholar These results are consistent with the results collected here (which I definitely need to update, geez time has been absolutely flying this year (or in brain lang, lots of boundary changes!). Really exciting to see how quickly so much of this has been coming together over the past …

Neurons detect cognitive boundaries to structure episodic memories in humans Read More »

The hippocampus CA2 manages prediction accuracy across all domains

All function ascribed to the CA2 is an artifact of prediction accuracy management, including social memory. Social behavior as a whole is a predictive exercise. I’m thinking the blindspot for the CA2 is because it’s function might be better described as an “expectation manager”. Until we get a better system level model going, expectation is …

The hippocampus CA2 manages prediction accuracy across all domains Read More »

tDCS efficacy is an artifact of cathode/anode alignment

It looks like the reason the “switch” montage I’ve been working with is effective is because it inadvertently provides stimulation along both the ventral and dorsal hippocampal axis. More specifically, it differentially targets both the CA1 and CA3 regions. The reason for the efficacy of PFC targeted TMS and tDCS targeted stimulation looks like it’s …

tDCS efficacy is an artifact of cathode/anode alignment Read More »

Interesting Journal Articles for the Week of 01/17/2022

Reorganization of CA1 dendritic dynamics by hippocampal sharp-wave ripples during learning I think they actually are catching some of the CA2’s contribution to egocentric stripping. Editorial: Excitotoxicity Turns 50. The Death That Never Dies It’s funny how obsessively this topic gets discussed based on completely wrong principles. Functional Connectivity as a Potential Mechanism for Language …

Interesting Journal Articles for the Week of 01/17/2022 Read More »

Interesting Pre-Prints for the Week of 01/17/2022

Increased insula activity precedes the formation of subjective Gestalt How/why do we perceive a single seamless experience instead of the many asynchronously interpreted inputs? The voltage-gated Cav Ca2+ channel subunit α2δ-4 is required for locomotor behavior and sensorimotor gating in mice D2 vs D4 shenanigans. Task-specific neural processes underlying conflict resolution during cognitive control Generalized …

Interesting Pre-Prints for the Week of 01/17/2022 Read More »

Interesting Pre-prints for the week of 1/10/2022

Signalling centre vortices coordinate collective behaviour in social amoebae Phwoosh Mind blown. My brain kept trying to make amoeba into anemone because it’s hard to imagine collective social behavior emanating from organisms like this. This of course is consistent with the overall model, that the mechanics of more complex organisms are complications of cellular level …

Interesting Pre-prints for the week of 1/10/2022 Read More »

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