Cerebellum Dump Revisited

Trying to figure out exactly how much of the limbic system is replicated in the deep cerebellar nuclei, my suspicion is all of it but need more information. Also, are layers 4-6 of cerebral cortex reciprocated across the posterior lobe of the cerebellum? Been awhile so looking for physiology updates as well.

Second level question – Do cerebral/limbic and cerebellar/DCN regions represent distinct “memory” centers with distinct approaches to “memory” allocation and recall?

A Third Somatomotor Representation in the Human Cerebellum

Novel Cerebello-Amygdala Connections Provide Missing Link Between Cerebellum and Limbic System

Cerebellum-Cortical Interaction in Spatial Navigation and Its Alteration in Dementias – Important discussion about egocentric/allocentric transforms, this conversion also happens in the hippocampus.

Distinct representations of body and head motion are dynamically encoded by Purkinje cell populations in the macaque cerebellum – Speaking of which…

Environmentally Toxic Solid Nanoparticles in Noradrenergic and Dopaminergic Nuclei and Cerebellum of Metropolitan Mexico City Children and Young Adults with Neural Quadruple Misfolded Protein Pathologies and High Exposures to Nano Particulate Matter – UGGGHHHHHHH

Air Pollution, Ultrafine Particles, and Your Brain: Are Combustion Nanoparticle Emissions and Engineered Nanoparticles Causing Preventable Fatal Neurodegenerative Diseases and Common Neuropsychiatric Outcomes? – Slight detour but… fuck.

Chapter Five – Is the inferior olive central to essential tremor? Yes – Lol at the title, but yeah, pretty close to core CPG circuits here.

Chapter Ten – Is essential tremor a disorder of GABA dysfunction? No – Fucking dead at these titles. Even the inconclusive ones are beautifully laconic. I propose that titles like these be mandated for all hypothesis based research. The entire issue is pretty good: Essential Tremor: Current Concepts and Controversies

Identification of a Brain Network Underlying the Execution of Freely Chosen Movements – Hrm…

Regional Cerebellar Volume Loss Predicts Future Disability in Multiple Sclerosis Patients – Wish this was more broad, but that Crus<->Lobule differential is one of the targets here.

Genotype-associated cerebellar profiles in ALS: focal cerebellar pathology and cerebro-cerebellar connectivity alterations

Deep Cerebellar Nuclei Functional Connectivity with Cerebral Cortex in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy With and Without Focal to Bilateral Tonic–Clonic Seizures: a Resting-State fMRI Study – One of the most common untreatable types of epilepsy.

Role of cerebellar cortex in associative learning and memory in guinea pigs – Pressing X on this for now but keeping it in my back pocket in case future evidence shows it consistent. Want to keep this because it’s one of the few I’ve seen where they removed limbic structures altogether to study “memory”.

Cerebellum lineage allocation, morphogenesis and repair: impact of interplay amongst cells – I love how we keep coming back to the mysterious signalling mechanisms which ignoring the pervasive effect of glia.

The Discovery of the Monoaminergic Innervation of the Cerebellum: Convergence of Divergent and Point-to-Point Systems – Not super interesting but reaffirms the cerebral/limbic and cerebellar/dcn inverse functionality.

Effects of Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Patients with Stroke: a Systematic Review – Same as above, down to hemispherical function preferences.

Thalamic nuclei atrophy at high and heterogenous rates during cognitively unimpaired human aging – Tangential, but illustrates why the cerebellum and DCN are so flush with CSF. It’s always funny to me how obsessively we think about volume in nervous systems compared to how little it actually matters.

Unusually slow spike frequency adaptation in deep cerebellar nuclei neurons preserves linear transformations on the sub-second timescale – Guys come on, the glia are RIGHT THERE. JUST LOOK. The ability to measure electricity in brains has screwed up and continues to screw up our understandings of mechanics.

Exercise Intensity and Brain Plasticity: What’s the Difference of Brain Structural and Functional Plasticity Characteristics Between Elite Aerobic and Anaerobic Athletes? – Holy shit, maybe cross fitters really are fucking idiots.

Neural Advantages of Older Musicians Involve the Cerebellum: Implications for Healthy Aging Through Lifelong Musical Instrument Training – Pretty sure there’s a heavy bias in musicians as a whole with regard to cerebellar function.

Social support mediates the influence of cerebellum functional connectivity strength on postpartum depression and postpartum depression with anxiety – Normally not my jam but with the whole “autism” thing… totally my jam. I’m wondering if in 20 years categorizing certain phenotypes of “autism” as a neurodevelopmental “condition” will look as bad as calling the gays(tm) a psychiatric condition.

Sensory and motor electrophysiological mapping of the cerebellum in humans – Yeah, tinnitus lives here. As does elevated sensory sensitivity “conditions”.

Default mode and dorsal attention network involvement in visually guided motor sequence learning – MRI is a shit tool for functional research.

Facial emotion perception abilities are related to grey matter volume in the culmen of cerebellum anterior lobe in drug-naïve patients with first-episode schizophrenia – You say “schizophrenia”, I say “autism”, Tomato, tomato, potato, potatoe.

Training-Specific Changes in Regional Spontaneous Neural Activity Among Professional Chinese Chess Players – Still hitting X because this setup is broke as fuck, but…

The detailed organization of the human cerebellum estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity within the individual – Wow. This is confirmation bias porn.

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