Dementia Villages

Stupid, unnecessary prediction: By 2035 at least 12% of all living individuals will be dealing with moderate to severe dementia related conditions. By the same date, roughly 1% of all individuals will be living in cognitive “intentional communities”.

(And yes, high hundreds of millions to a billion+). Also yes, it’s completely incomprehensible right now.

First U.S. ‘Dementia Village’ Recreates A Happier Time – 2017

As Cases Soar, ‘Dementia Villages’ Look Like the Future of Home Care

As Cases Soar, ‘Dementia Villages’ Look Like the Future of Home Care – Same place as above, bizarrely the same title, but different text.

Alzheimer’s villages could be the answer to the rising cases—and cost—of dementia

How “dementia villages” work

What Is a Dementia Village?

Is it time to rethink how we care for dementia patients?

Dementia Care: What in the World is a Dementia Village?

What Is a Dementia Village?

Welcome to the desert of the real (I always blanch at this scene because while it’s a brilliant construct, especially the “welcome to the desert of the real” line when the thunder booms, the underlying plot points are pretty terrible).

I get asked occasionally why I’m so critical of psychiatric/philosophical constructs in neuroscience and this is why. Psychiatry does not create physiological etiologies, only philosophical ones. And those philosophical etiologies are why we are on this road.

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