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Unusual suspects: Glial cells in fertility regulation and their suspected role in polycystic ovary syndrome – This is autism model adjacent, but not sure where to put it yet. And holy shit, this seems obvious enough that I’m frustrated I didn’t make this link.

Hippocampal Astrocytes in Migrating and Wintering Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla

Connexin 30 Expression and Frequency of Connexin Heterogeneity in Astrocyte Gap Junction Plaques Increase with Age in the Rat Retina

Connexin Hemichannels in Astrocytes: Role in CNS Disorders

Insulin Signaling Suppresses Autophagy in Astrocytes OOOOOOOOOHHHHH. Wow, this answers a few questions and leaves me with a few new ones. I wonder if there’s metabolic priority established amongst astrocytes?

DIPA-CRISPR is a simple and accessible method for insect gene editing

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