“Feelings”, “Emotions”, “Personality”, and “Behavior” should not *ever* be pathologized.

No matter how uncomfortable they make us or society itself. These things are just as instructive to society as they are to the individual, and shape social behavior in the same way they shape individual behavior.

We’ve engaged in a massive campaign of suppressing the uncomfortable in society and this suppression has allowed us to ignore the necessary social changes required to move us forward. Just as these things can become malignant to an individual, this suppression can be malignant to societies as a whole.

Groups of similar animals are a collective organism much the same way groups of cells can become one, their interactions with each other guiding the behavior of the collective whole. Unfortunately the human animal has become addicted to specific stimuli, and has taken to neglecting the rich diversity of stimuli responses it is capable of in favor of it’s own internal fantasy. A fantasy which continues to feed upon itself in a positive feedback loop because it is suppressing the negative feedback channels to change it’s behavior.

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