Hippocampal CA2 Dump Part I forgot and am not motivated to look it up.

CA2 orchestrates hippocampal network dynamics – This is a good summary because it breaks out of the “social” box that most work focusing specifically on the CA2 region seem to be stuck in.

Fluoxetine Enhances Synaptic Vesicle Trafficking and Energy Metabolism in the Hippocampus of Socially Isolated Rats – It’s weird to think of “happiness” and “depression” as almost purely metabolic artifacts, but the facts are the facts.

Mitochondrial dynamics, elimination and biogenesis during post-ischemic recovery in ischemia-resistant and ischemia-vulnerable gerbil hippocampal regions – Even concepts like “toughness” and “reslience” are almost certainly metabolic.

Visuosocial Preference Memory, but Not Avoidance Memory, Requires PLCĪ³1 in the CA2 Hippocampus – “Dorsal” vs. “Ventral” phenotypes probably express along this pathway.

Oxytocin-Modulated Ion Channel Ensemble Controls Depolarization, Integration and Burst Firing in CA2 Pyramidal Neurons – Wish this would start to get expressed in terms of “Oxytocin Network” or some equivalent instead of stuff like this which confuses Oxytocin as being more active in processing than it actually is.

A dorsal CA2 to ventral CA1 circuit contributes to oxytocinergic modulation of long-term social recognition memory – Following on the above conceit.

Medial septum: relevance for social memory – The hippocampus as a whole binds/decomposes stream info, we can tweak the input to the hippocampus and generate lots of different behavioral phenotypes and manipulations of “perception/awareness”.

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