Hippocampus Dump

The anticonvulsant effect of chronic treatment with topiramate after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus is accompanied by a suppression of comorbid behavioral impairments and robust neuroprotection in limbic regions in rats – Heh, essentially chemical ECT with the same effects. Interesting.

Genetic Specificity of Hippocampal Subfield Volumes, Relative to Hippocampal Formation, Identified in 2148 Young Adult Twins and Siblings – Boom goes the dynamite. “Personality” is heritable, and far less influenced by environment than genetics across the hippocampus proper.

Altered PVN-to-CA2 hippocampal oxytocin pathway and reduced number of oxytocin-receptor expressing astrocytes in heart failure rats – It’s all connected.

A direct lateral entorhinal cortex to hippocampal CA2 circuit conveys social information required for social memory – Honestly, studies like this are why I hate hypothesis based science so much. “The MEC doesn’t affect this tiny thing we were looking at so we ignored it.” Also, this effect is governed by the SuM -> CA2 circuit, rather than a standalone effect.

In Vivo Multi-Day Calcium Imaging of CA1 Hippocampus in Freely Moving Rats Reveals a High Preponderance of Place Cells with Consistent Place Fields – WOW, so cool!

Regulation of Social Recognition Memory in the Hippocampal Circuits – I had a feeling that as soon as the CA2 “sociality” link was established we’d completely forget about what the CA2 actually does (prediction/expectation management). I’m afraid stuff like this will distract us from discovering the equivalent circuitry in the DCN or brainstem by focusing on phenomenology rather than function or morphology.

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