Interactome Dump

Insight into the Mammalian Aquaporin Interactome

Tau target identification reveals NSF-dependent effects on AMPA receptor trafficking and memory formation

AlphaFold Protein Structure Database: massively expanding the structural coverage of protein-sequence space with high-accuracy models

The structural coverage of the human proteome before and after AlphaFold

The AlphaFold Database of Protein Structures: A Biologist’s Guide

Optogenetic tools for microbial synthetic biology – We are going to pretty massive improvement to implantable device rejection rates based on this line of work (among other things).

Structural variations between small alarmone hydrolase dimers support different modes of regulation of the stringent response – It’s not about the chemical itself, it’s about the metabolic/catalytic interactions of the chemical.

A structure and evolutionary-based classification of solute carriers

Assessing the clinical utility of protein structural analysis in genomic variant classification: experiences from a diagnostic laboratory – Wow very cool! Why don’t people with very similar genes always express the same traits?

The augmin complex architecture reveals structural insights into microtubule branching – Wow, how do cells build and modify themselves.

Moving Lipids, by the Numbers

AlphaFold2 models indicate that protein sequence determines both structure and dynamics – And it has to be this way right, otherwise how would species differentiation work at all?

Extended disordered regions of ribosome-associated NAC proteins paralogs belong only to the germline in Drosophila melanogaster – Need to chew on my tongue on this one, but……..

Loss-of-function, gain-of-function and dominant-negative mutations have profoundly different effects on protein structure – But are these effects rescuable?

Diverse Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Pathogenic Protein Mutations: Beyond the Loss-of-Function Paradigm – This is an amazing review.

Natural and Experimental Rewiring of Gene Regulatory Regions – I don’t mean to be a little bitch, but this is getting a little scary.

Large protein complex interfaces have evolved to promote cotranslational assembly – So is a large effect of aging/degenerative disease the breakdown of these channels/interfaces?

Shelterin is a dimeric complex with extensive structural heterogeneity – Yeah, wow.

Dual proteome-scale networks reveal cell-specific remodeling of the human interactome – Heh, it’s possible “dorsal/ventral” mechanics exist as an expression of cellular mechanics and the “network” aspect of them is an artifact of “learned” processing biases.

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