Interesting Journal Articles for the Week of 01/17/2022

Reorganization of CA1 dendritic dynamics by hippocampal sharp-wave ripples during learning

I think they actually are catching some of the CA2’s contribution to egocentric stripping.

Editorial: Excitotoxicity Turns 50. The Death That Never Dies

It’s funny how obsessively this topic gets discussed based on completely wrong principles.

Functional Connectivity as a Potential Mechanism for Language Plasticity

Sorta. The intent is probably right, cortical areas are general purpose.

Acute restraint stress redirects prefrontal cortex circuit function through mGlu5 receptor plasticity on somatostatin-expressing interneurons

Did you try turning it off and back on again? Haha. No really.

Two opposing hippocampus to prefrontal cortex pathways for the control of approach and avoidance behaviour

The Effective Connectivity of the Human Hippocampal Memory System

Salience, Pos/Neg Valence.

Delta oscillations coordinate intra-cerebellar and cerebello-hippocampal network dynamics during sleep

Brainstem, probably olives.

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