Interesting Journal Articles for the Week of 11/15/2021

Fear learning induces α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated astrocytic responsiveness that is required for memory persistence

Updating after I read it, but looking at the supplements, it’s another behavior is an artifact of astrocytes not neurons support.

Task dynamics define the contextual emergence of human corralling behaviors

A reminder that behavior is behavior, human or otherwise.

Cross-Task Consistency of Electroencephalography-Based Mental Workload Indicators: Comparisons Between Power Spectral Density and Task-Irrelevant Auditory Event-Related Potentials

This is really really close to the model I’m using for the “Attention Strangler(tm)” “ADHD” device. These state shifts are actually really obvious once the model is trained for an individual using ERP response tracking. I think the biggest problem right now is it’s just receiving feedback isn’t enough, it works great for the first few wanders but after that everything just turns to chaotic mush. My current testing right now is working under the assumption that we need to honor these resets and make time to resynchronize instead of “re-focus”. I’m not sure how useful that is as a treatment with enforced breaks, but so far taking the breaks and focusing on resynching is a lot less stressful than wandering and not realizing how I got there.

How collective reward structure impedes group decision making: An experimental study using the HoneyComb paradigm

Moreover, group movement is influenced by the quorum response: Group movement decisions toward one direction are adhered to by subsequent decision makers once a certain threshold of decision makers has been met. Ultimately, decisions of individuals incorporate their responses to both the environment and other individuals’ movement choices.

Our results show that group members who repeatedly interact with different leaders are indeed able to identify the leader that is most beneficial to themselves and the group. This holds true, even if they do not have any prior knowledge about the leaders’ abilities but need to infer them from their experience. This is consistent with studies showing that the ability to find the best possible leader in a group might have been a crucial evolutionary advantage.

While participants who played alone and participants who played as independent group members followed the most advantageous leader, participants who played in a group that was rewarded for cohesive behavior frequently followed a less advantageous leader.

Constructing Others’ Beliefs from One’s Own Using Medial Frontal Cortex

Beating the dorsal vs ventral horse to death here, but external social information is an internal fantasy which is kept separated from the internal one. Here they found a static reference frame in the vmPFC and a social prediction in the dmPFC. Just a reminder, these effects are downstream of hippocampal dorsal/ventral stream activity.

Hippocampus–Prefrontal Coupling Regulates Recognition Memory for Novelty Discrimination

Lol, on the same day we have reinforcement to my “just a reminder”. “Novelty discrimination” in context are the dmPFC social elements.

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