Retrieval context determines whether event boundaries impair or enhance temporal order memory
Yeah, episodic memory doesn’t actually exist. The only consistent way this works mechanically if it’s fully reconstructed from context on recall.
Dissociating encoding of memory and salience by manipulating long-term synaptic potentiation
The CA1 binds initial valence to the brain stem salience pulse.
Deterministic approximation for population dynamics in the presence of advantageous mutants
What an intriguing model.
Synaptic plasticity of inhibitory synapses onto medial olivocochlear efferent neurons
Is the voice in your head physiologically a product of the pons?
An emergent temporal basis set robustly supports cerebellar time-series learning
The cerebellum is essential for contextual learning. Temporality is a contextual construct.
I’ve always wondered if variation in SMR might be a mechanic to determine global system throughput performance (a component of g).