Interesting Pre-Prints for the Week of 12/13/2021

Preserved representations and decodability of diverse cognitive functions across the cortex, cerebellum, and subcortexIt feels strange to me at this point that cortically biased processing is still so predominant in neuroscientific thinking. There’s something I’m not understanding in the avoidance of this I need to figure out.Comparing Brain Asymmetries Independently of Brain SizeLike this interesting study soaked in shitty concepts.The Presence of the Temporal Horn Exacerbates the Vulnerability of Hippocampus during Head ImpactsThis is probably one of the root etiologies of CTE.Directional Tuning of Phase Precession Properties in the HippocampusHippocampal transforms say what?

extrinsic and intrinsic sequences contribute to phase precession as two distinct mechanisms.

Reconfigurations in brain networks upon awakening from slow wave sleep: Interventions and implications in neural communicationThis study is a good example of why hypothesis based science is so freaking bad. They started with the implication that humans are diurnal, therefore blue light must be special for waking. Let’s ignore that this is just stupid physics for a moment since we’d actually be sensitive to “golden hour” spectrum light. What they actually found is the brain stem sends startup/shutdown signals to cortical processing areas. Spectrum based light stimulation is really bad self supporting pseudoscience.Neuronal activity–driven oligodendrogenesis in selected brain regions is required for episodic memoriesSo I’m going to go somewhere else with this lede and say “EPISODIC MEMORY DOES NOT EXIST”. All episodic memory is constructed as a function of the hippocampal transform.Cognitive experience alters cortical involvement in navigation decisionsThat’s impossible, I KNOW EPISODIC MEMORY EXISTS. YOU HAVE NO PROOF OTHERWISE. Except for this study which suggests how perception is modified by experiential reference.Rule-based and stimulus-based cues bias auditory decisions via different computational and physiological mechanismsAnd this one, which suggests also suggests behavior and perception are modified by experiential reference.People with nicotine use-disorder exhibit more prefrontal activity during preparatory control but reduced anterior cingulate activity during reactive controlInteresting data soaked in shit. Dorsal and ventral dominance are differentially linked to reactive and preparatory control. Nicotine helps modify that balance. Nicotine bad, PharmaCom drug good!Targeting targeted memory reactivation: characteristics of cued reactivation in sleepOh fuck me. Keep this one away from the ventral dominants.Dopamine D2Rs Coordinate Cue-Evoked Changes in Striatal Acetylcholine LevelsFor those keeping score at home, D2 is a salience transmission pathway which mostly acts on acetylcholine. The ACh network then goes on to modulate dorsal function. This image from this old study sorta gives a look at that.

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