Measuring cognitive performance via metabolics

Sorry another stub for now.

Sparked by this study Association between mitochondria-related genes and cognitive performance in the PsyCourse Study (which is a bad study with the right idea), we should be able to measure all components of cognitive ability via metabolic interactions, including things like g.

As information processing in general is the product of discrete metabolic interactions, it might be helpful to start thinking about how to completely redefine cognition in terms of those metabolic processes rather than the inaccessible phenomenologically based tools we use today.

A tremendous advantage to doing is that we would finally have a consistent, reduceable (biology->chemistry->physics), and interculturally adaptive way to understand cognition. This would open up a completely new era of accurate measurement that really doesn’t exist for the topic right now. Just as importantly, it would support a model of cognition based directly on the biology itself, rather than assumptions about the biology.

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